I can’t afford the time to do volunteer work for POMA. How about you? Maybe the better question is, can you afford not to volunteer? The minimal time required to serve on a POMA committee or even the board of directors can provide tremendous return on investment (ROI). In business, maximizing return is critical. Take a look at the benefits.

I can’t afford the time to do volunteer work for POMA. How about you? Maybe the better question is, can you afford not to volunteer? The minimal time required to serve on a POMA committee or even the board of directors can provide tremendous return on investment (ROI). In business, maximizing return is critical. Take a look at the benefits.

Ready to volunteeer? Let us know. E-mail and ask to serve.

Volunteering has a meaningful, positive impact on POMA and our industry. But did you know that it can have many benefits for you too? Here are some reasons you should volunteer within POMA.

Learn or develop new skills

Volunteering is the perfect vehicle to discover more about your capabilities and develop new skills.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

You may have the skills you need now, to perform the job/service you’re involved in today. But, what about tomorrow? Will you be ready to adapt?

Knowledge gained today as a POMA volunteer focused on fund raising, developing Money Line listings, planning conference, managing other volunteers, working on POMA finances or serving on the board of directors could become a key to landing a new job, expanding the scope of your current job or better serving current customers.

Consider volunteer work as continuing education and skill development.

Boost career options

A recent survey of businesses showed that:

  • 73% of employers would recruit a candidate with volunteering experience over one without
  • 94% of employers believe that volunteering can add to skills 
  • 94% of employees who volunteered to learn new skills had benefited either by getting their first job, improving their salary, or being promoted


Make critical connections

If the world of social media teaches anything, it details the need for and benefits of connecting with a wide range of people.

Volunteering provides an opportunity to connect and network with folks you might not have an opportunity to otherwise. Volunteering also strengths bonds and fosters a platform of common ground among those who serve. Your partner on a current volunteer project just might be the person offers you your next big opportunity.

Become an important part of your industry

No man or woman is an island. We sometimes take for granted the industry in which we work. People, societies and industries depend on each other for survival. For instance, a disintegration of traditional values, like participation in hunting and fishing, can’t be stopped without a massive volunteer effort of like-minded people. Strengthening POMA, helps strengthen the very industry that provides for you.

Give back

Volunteering is ultimately about helping others and having an impact on people’s wellbeing. What better way is there to connect with your industry and peers and give a little back than by volunteering? As a volunteer, you certainly return to our industry some of the benefits that it gives you.

Benefit from the motivation and sense of achievement

Volunteers predominantly express a sense of achievement and motivation, from their efforts – motivation that’s carried into and has a positive effect on other facets of their lives.

Send a signal to employers, peers and customers

People pay attention to your life outside the environment in which they have direct contact with you. Employers are interested in the activities that offer you a good work-life balance, just as potential buyers/customers/employers are interested in extra-curricular activities. Volunteering reflects and supports a complete picture of you, and gives real examples of your commitment, dedication and interests.

Increase social and relationship skills

While some people are naturally outgoing, others are shy and have a hard time meeting people or getting involved in important dialog. Volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice and develop social skills in an comfortable environment. Meet and work with a group of people with common interests. Once you gain momentum, branching out and making contacts or getting involved in other important projects is easier.

Increase self-confidence

Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to self-confidence, self-esteem and life satisfaction. Doing good for others and the industry, provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer also will generate a sense of pride and identity. The better you feel, the more likely you are to have a positive view of life and future goals.

Garner visibility and recognition

When your POMA committee or the organization gets publicity, so do you. Peers view you as a leader, not a follower. Visibility and recognition are a critical business-enhancement tool.

Build lifelong friendships

In the end, business enhancement, improving skills and bolstering confidence are important, but none of the above-mentioned benefits are nearly as important as the friendships that are built between volunteers. Finding a friend for life, is a precious commodity.


Become a POMA volunteer!