You Can Find Your Dream Job in the Outdoor Industry

* Brenda Valentine, a well-known TV host and philanthropist;
* Ashlee Lundvall, the overcomer of a life-changing injury who’s captured her outdoor dream job;
* Stephanie Mallory, an outdoor writer, editor and PR person;
* Sherry Crumley, a successful outdoor businesswoman;
* Eva Shockey, a businesswoman, TV host and social media guru;
* Beth Alcazar, a mother who preaches the gospel of concealed carry;
* Linda Powell, one of the first women to step into a major gun company role;
* Taylor Drury, a TV personality impacting young women to be more involved in the outdoors;
* Marsha Schearer, a hunting guide, TV host and businesswoman;
* Olivia Opre, a leader in defending hunting and conservation;
* Tes Jolly, an award-winning wildlife photographer;
* Vicki Cianciarulo, a bowhunter, TV host and trailblazer to involve women in the outdoors;
* Karen Lee, once a non-hunter but today a strong advocate of hunting;
* Joella Bates, a world class tournament archer and bowhunter.
Containing 190 pages, 65+ videos and 90+ photos and the words of these highly-successful outdoor women, the “Outdoor Women’s Hall of Fame – Premier Edition” is a Kindle ebook and Amazon print book, available at – These ladies are helping grow outdoor opportunities for all women.