Wildlife Habitat Protected Thanks to South Dakota Family

MISSOULA, Mont. — A conservation-minded family with a long history of safeguarding the wildlife values of its land collaborated with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to permanently protect an additional 3,163 acres of South Dakota habitat.

“We salute Jim Scull and his family and thank them for stewarding their land in such a way that positively impacts elk and so many other wildlife species,” said Kyle Weaver, RMEF president and CEO. “This conservation easement is the latest example of their deep commitment to our mission and further cements their conservation legacy.”

The property lies just southwest of the confluence of the Cheyenne and Belle Fourche Rivers in west-central South Dakota. Not only does it provide seasonal habitat for elk but it also supports whitetail deer, mountain lions, bobcats and other bird and animal species. And because the land runs along the Belle Fourche River, it features extensive riparian corridors, wetlands and floodplains benefitting fish and other species.

Scull is a long-time RMEF life member. In 2004, he and his family placed their first RMEF conservation easement on a 160-acre tract of their property. They followed that up with 160 more acres in 2007 and an additional 11,078 acres later that same year. In 2019, they permanently protected 4,798 more acres of habitat and capped it off with this latest 3,163-acre project in 2020.

“Thanks to the Sculls, 19,359 acres of wildlife and riparian habitat are now protected in perpetuity. That is an amazing and unselfish accomplishment,” added Weaver.

In addition to being a dedicated conservationist, Scull mentors at-risk youth in outdoor skills and hunting for big game and upland birds on his land.

About the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:

Founded more than 35 years ago, fueled by hunters and a membership of nearly 235,000 strong, RMEF has conserved more than 8 million acres for elk and other wildlife. RMEF also works to open and improve public access, fund and advocate for science-based resource management, and ensure the future of America’s hunting heritage. Discover why “Hunting Is Conservation™” at rmef.org or 800-CALL ELK.