UPDATE: Help Fix Raffle Bill to Save Pa. NWTF Fundraising

Help stop a multi-million dollar mistake from being made and protect NWTF fundraising banquets in Pennsylvania. Oppose faulty legislation being considered in the state senate!

Help stop a multi-million dollar mistake from being made and protect NWTF fundraising banquets in Pennsylvania. Oppose faulty legislation being considered in the state senate!

House Bill 290 defines how raffles and games of chance are regulated. The legislation was recently passed out of committee and state senators in Pennsylvania are preparing to vote on the bill.

Despite some senators’ belief that the concerns of sportsmen’s organizations were addressed, it does not contain language that permits the raffles and games that are commonly conducted at NWTF banquets.  Unless these issues are addressed, fundraising for conservation and the preservation of our hunting heritage will be severely impacted. 

Amendments to House Bill 290 are being negotiated by Senate leadership and Governor Tom Corbett’s office right now.  The bill is now in the Senate Appropriations Committee and will be voted on soon. 

It is critical for sportsmen to make their voices heard to these four elected officials:

  • Governor Tom Corbett, (717) 787-2500
  • Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, (717) 787-7084
  • Senate Majority Floor Leader Dominic Pileggi, (717) 787-4712
  • Senate Appropriations Chairman Jake Corman, (717) 787-1377

Please call this official today and tell them that the small games of chance law needs to be fixed.  Urge them to support the conservation/sportsmen amendments to House Bill 290.