Understanding Video Formats Webinar Now Online

Bob Robertson, with RobertsonConsultants, presented us with a great webinar presentation on understanding video formats. He broke it down into easy to understand language sure to help you pick the right format for your needs. If you missed the live webinar, you can now see it in POMA’s webinar archives.

Bob Robertson, with RobertsonConsultants, presented us with a great webinar presentation on understanding video formats. He broke it down into easy to understand language sure to help you pick the right format for your needs. If you missed the live webinar, you can now see it in POMA’s webinar archives.

If you want to create killer video to promote yourself or your products on the Web, you need to know what format will work best.

In the first part of the series, Bob helps you choose the correct video formats as well as convert an existing video to a proper format for Web use.

Don’t take a chance on driving viewers away with poor video quality. Making sure it’s properly formatted or converted will help ensure that you’re putting your best foot forward when it comes to Web video.

Bio: Bob Robertson, founder of RobertsonConsultants, received a B. S. degree in Computer and Information Sciences from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Seeing the need for a website designer/developer for small to medium businesses in the outdoors industry, Robertson began his company, which is now serves multiple industries, in 2006.


Access POMA’s archived webinars.