Tink’s Power Scrape and Scrape Bomb Scrape Dripper

Condition deer to return again and again to your stand site with Tink’s Power Scrape® and Scrape Bomb® products. A mock scrape using these Tink’s products provides an effective technique for altering the daytime movements of big bucks to your advantage.

Condition deer to return again and again to your stand site with Tink’s Power Scrape® and Scrape Bomb® products. A mock scrape using these Tink’s products provides an effective technique for altering the daytime movements of big bucks to your advantage.

The powerful Power Scrape® Starter, available in a 16 oz spray or 4 oz bottle, is designed to smell like an invader buck is in the area. When used on existing scrapes or mock scrapes, this formula capitalizes on a buck’s curiosity in the early season and its drive for territorial dominance during the breeding season.

Use the Power Scrape® Starter at least once a week throughout the season. Apply directly on the scrape and the ground around the scrape. The formula is continuously reactivated by moisture.

Power Scrape® Gel incorporates the original Power Scrape® formula, but is designed to perform in harsh weather conditions. 

The gel, which is available in a convenient 4 oz bottle, will not freeze in cold temperatures and maintains performance in rainy conditions. One to two weeks prior to the season opening, create two to three mock scrapes at your hunting stand locations using the Power Scrape® Gel.

Tink’s Scrape Bomb® Scrape Dripper maximizes the power of a mock scrape. Controlled by temperature and barometric pressure, Scrape Bomb® Scrape Dripper only allows dripping during the daylight hours. This unique system is designed to increase daytime buck movement and keep your scrape location fresh.

The Scrape Bomb® Scrape Dripper holds 4 oz. of buck lure and effectively drips for approximately four to five days.

Setting up a mock scrape has never been so easy. Combine Tink’s Power Scrape® and Scrape Bomb® for an unmatched mock scrape system.

For more information about Tink’s Power Scrape® and Scrape Bomb®, please visit www.tinks.com.