Stop the Threat – Fighting Back


 image995480New season, new dish channel, all new episodes! This week, beginning August 7, 2013.

 image995480New season, new dish channel, all new episodes! This week, beginning August 7, 2013.

Hosted by James B. Towle with Special Guests:
Don Clark
Kathy Jackson
Mark MacYoung 

In this week’s crime reenactment: Home invasion, one of the most rapidly growing crimes in our neighborhoods, is not unstoppable…unless you are not prepared.

Don Clark

Former 25 year FBI special agent and administrator working on many high profile cases including the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis.  Also served 10 years as an Airborne Ranger Infantry Officer and a combat veteran in Vietnam. Among many honors and distinguishing awards he has received the U.S. Attorney General’s highest Award of Excellence.  Currently serves as an Analyst and Consultant on Law Enforcement and related issues.


Marc MacYoung

Personal Safety & Crime Avoidance Expert, Police & Military Instructor, court recognized Violence Reconstruction Expert, World Renowned Knife & Street Fighting Specialist, Survivalist Book Series Author, Video Instructor & Martial Artist.



Kathy Jackson

Firearms Instructor, Homeschool Mom, Small Business Owner, Former Magazine Editor, Freelance Writer, and Author of “The Cornered Cat: A Woman’s Guide to Concealed Carry”.

“Stop the Threat” panelists offer an informed discussion aimed at armed citizens on legal gun ownership, the use of deadly force, and how one may avoid becoming a victim, or respond to a life or death situation. This series may save your life!


Watch on the PURSUIT Channel!
DISH Network: NEW Channel 393 HUNT
DirecTV: Channel 604 PRST

Wednesdays 2:00pm PST 5:00pm EST

Thursdays 10:00pm PST

Fridays 6:00pm PST/9:00pm EST

Fridays 1:00am EST

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