POMA offers tutorials to make performing tasks on the POMA website easy for all members. Need to learn how to post a press release or member news or how to update your profile so your information is current? No problem, there’s a tutorial for that!
POMA offers tutorials to make performing tasks on the POMA website easy for all members. Need to learn how to post a press release or member news or how to update your profile so your information is current? No problem, there’s a tutorial for that!
POMA’s tutorial section is now available online under the Services tab on the top navigational menu. Choose POMA Tutorials and you’ll be taken to the tutorial landing page, where you can find a list of all available help.
Right now the list is short, but it will grow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if there’s a tutorial you feel POMA needs to add to the list, please let Shelly Moore, POMA Membership Director, know. Send suggestions to smoore@professionaloutdoormedia.org.