POMA Members and Friends Making a Difference

“Look at those faces carefully. They are back in hospitals this morning facing months of struggle and a lifetime of adjusting, but for four days last week (Dec. 6) they were outdoorsmen.”

<--break->Numerous groups work with our wounded veterans to help them readjust after service, heal, and find hope and fellowship through the outdoors. POMA media members and Corporate partners are deeply involved. One of those groups, Semper Fi Community Task Force, is a small local, somewhat leaderless, group in north Alabama serving those who gave so much. This year’s outdoor event was a big success.

The young men shown here are Brian Felber (L) and Christopher Hancock (R). Both are double amputees and Marines.

“Friends, this image tells the whole story as to why I work each year with wounded hero’s,” said a POMA member who wishes to remain anonymous. “Look at those faces carefully. They are back in hospitals this morning facing months of struggle and a lifetime of adjusting, but for four days last week (Dec. 6) they were outdoorsmen. To those of you who helped, thank you.”

The event is a low-key, four-day hunt/fish/chuck wagon cooking event called the Wounded Hero’s Outdoor Adventures. This was the fifth year for the event.

Each year, the group selects about 12 wounded hero’s and caregivers to attend the event as the group’s guests. Many local businesses, landowners and volunteers work to make the event happen. The local Hampton Inn provides the rooms, corporations provide transportation, farmers provide hunting land and fishing lakes, and so on.

There are a large number of national outdoor companies who help make this event happen each year too, including Remington, Federal Premium, Frost Cutlery, Alpen Optics, Leatherman and others.

“Their participation makes me proud to be a part of this industry,” the POMA member said.

“To see these badly hurt young men and women get their first deer or to catch a stringer of catfish or to sit around a chuck wagon campfire and eat their favorite foods with big smiles on their faces, is priceless. They know we appreciate with all our hearts the sacrifice they and their families have made for our freedom and we love them and will not forget them.”

Semper Fi.