Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) members are invited to apply and/or nominate individuals for consideration by the POMA Nominations Committee for election to the POMA Board of Directors for terms beginning on June 15, 2021.
POMA members may nominate themselves or another member for an open position.
To submit a nomination, complete the POMA Board Nominations web form by February 19, 2021. The form asks for the following information:
- Candidate information: name, credentials, email address, POMA membership level
- Statement of qualification
- The nominator’s name and email.
All Board candidates must:
- Be a Voting member of POMA, in good standing.
- Officer and director candidates shall have completed at least three (3) continuous years of membership or shall have worked at a level that fulfills the Voting Media Member criteria for a period of at least five (5) consecutive years prior to the election.
- Participate in a minimum of two board meetings per year. Board meetings are held in-person and virtually. In-person meetings are typically in January during SHOT Show and during the annual conference.
- Nominations of individuals to apply should be filled out on this form by February 19, 2021.
A Nominating Committee shall present a list consisting only of Voting Media Member candidates for directorship to the Board. The list of names shall then be published on the POMA website by March 1, 2021.