“Our country’s law enforcement officers represent the best of American courage. Yet today, a deceitful media has put their courage under fire,” says NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre. “It’s time America honored its police again.”
For decades, the NRA has been an unwavering supporter of American law enforcement, assisting retired law enforcement officers with the benefits of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), providing self-defense insurance for retired and off-duty officers, defending America’s police when their courage unjustly comes under fire, and by means of the Line of Duty Death Benefit program, which provides public law enforcement officers with a $35,000 line of duty death benefit, if they are killed in the line of duty.
“Stand with us. Help us Back Our Blue,” says LaPierre.
Amie Krol was a beneficiary of that program. Last summer, five Dallas law enforcement officers were killed while protecting hundreds of protestors who marched against America’s police. Amie’s brother, Mike Krol, was one of them.
“My brother gave his life protecting those who marched against him. That’s why I Back Our Blue,” Krol says in a powerful radio spot and video that are playing nationwide in support of the campaign. Since 2000, the NRA has paid out about 3 million dollars in line of duty death benefits.
The NRA Foundation’s Law Enforcement Training program will also be supported by the Back Our Blue initiative. Since its inception, the NRA has trained more than 57,000 law enforcement firearms instructors who, in turn, train thousands of law enforcement and security personnel each year, making our communities safer and our nation more secure. Today, the NRA has over 13,000, active, certified, law enforcement firearm instructors. As a direct extension of its law enforcement training, the NRA also conducts the National Police Shooting Championships, with top law enforcement shooters from around the country, as well as the Tactical Police Competition (TPC), a multi-gun event that incorporates modern training and tactics in training based competition scenarios.
“While there are those in the media who paint our police as criminals, and celebrities attack them, the NRA backs our blue,” says Krol. “Now you can too.”
In addition to radio spots, the campaign will feature videos, print ads and exclusive interviews and profiles of American law enforcement on NRATV. Supporters of America’s police are asked to share NRA Cars For Freedom: Back Our Blue, with family and friends, and by using #BackOurBlue. Back Our Blue is the second iteration of NRA Cars For Freedom, which benefits the work of the NRA Foundation through donated vehicles.
About the National Rifle Association
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. More than 5 million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The association remains the nation’s leader in firearms education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services.
About The NRA Foundation
Establishing The NRA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, provided a means to raise tax-deductible contributions in support of gun safety and educational efforts benefiting law enforcement officers and public law enforcement agencies through a grant program. Grants are available for training, as well as equipment needed for our law enforcement officers to conduct their jobs safely and effectively.