New Restless Native Podcast with POMA’s Ryan Gresham

“Training can happen on your couch, in your living room. Don’t think of how everything is going to go right. Think of what can go wrong.”

— Ryan Gresham

POMA 2nd Vice President, Ryan Gresham, makes an appearance on the latest Restless Native podcast. The podcast is hosted by GoWild Co-Founder, Brad Luttrell. Gresham and Luttrell met for the first time during POMA's Lincoln, Nebraska event. 

"So many of you ask me how to get involved in the outdoors, and if you have asked me and haven’t looked into POMA, then I have to question how bad you really want it," said Luttrell in this show's intro. "This is a fantastic organization to help you get involved in the industry and meet people who could be your future employers, clients or partners."

Gresham and Luttrell also discuss the benefits of POMA, as well as Gresham's company, Gun Talk, conceal carry best practices, marketing, and a few other current topics in teh gun industry.

A Snippet from this Restless Native episode:

“I can’t even imagine what that’s like.”How many times have you seen a tragedy on national news and said that? Often? Well, today’s guest is here to tell you that maybe you should try imagining. 

Ryan Gresham knows a lot of about marketing, sales, and guns. His show runs a ton of different media opportunities, from podcasts to video to apps, and some of that content is around conceal carry. Ryan’s going to make a strong point about how you should carry yourself. How you should be thinking through worst case scenarios. And how if you know what you’d do in those worst case scenarios, you can turn worst case into best case.

Listen to Restless Native

Restless Native is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher, TuneIn and the new Restless Native website

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