MISSOULA, Mont. — For the second year in a row, Les Schwab Tire Centers will donate more than $151,000 worth of new tires to assist the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s mission of ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat and our hunting heritage.
“One of the reasons we are able to carry out the ongoing, meaningful on the ground work we do is because of the support we receive from our conservation partners,” said Steve Decker, RMEF chief revenue officer. “Les Schwab continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with RMEF, and has done so for many years. For that we express our deep appreciation.”
Tabbed the ‘RMEF Ready Your Elk Rig Tire Drawing,’ Les Schwab will donate one set of four (4) Mazama Open RangeTM A/T tires or Equivalent AT Tires (up to $1,200 maximum retail value) for the raffle/drawing* to 126 different RMEF banquets in California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Dating back to 2002, the company helped RMEF raise more than $2.87 million and conserve or enhance more than 18,060 acres of elk habitat. With its headquarters in Bend, Oregon, Les Schwab has more than 480 locations across western portions of the United States.
“With almost 70 years of history in the West, we understand the importance of conserving both our natural spaces and our heritage,” said Greg L’Hommedieu, vice president of Les Schwab Store Sales & Operations. “We acknowledge the work RMEF does to encourage environmental stewardship and conservation in our community and support their ongoing conservation efforts.”
*Each raffle/drawing winner will be able to size the tires to his or her specific vehicle. (Additional details and drawing/raffle regulations will be available from the select RMEF chapters.)
About the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation:
Founded more than 36 years ago, fueled by hunters and a membership of nearly 235,000 strong, RMEF has conserved more than 7.9 million acres for elk and other wildlife. RMEF also works to open and improve public access, fund and advocate for science-based resource management, and ensure the future of America’s hunting heritage. Discover why “Hunting Is Conservation™” at rmef.org or 800-CALL ELK.