Kansas Vet Named Local Legend

ff410b30-d071-4854-a2bc-f2f91e627bc0Powderhook is pleased to recognize Jesse Mudd, founder of Kansas-based Veterans4Veterans, as the technology company's fourth Local Legend.

Jesse, a Marine veteran, started his organization because of a tragic event. His friend, Sgt. Nick Kimmel, was serving in Afghanistan when he stepped on a Improvised Explosive Device (IED), resulting in the loss of an arm and both legs. Combining his passion for the outdoors and his drive to help Veterans, Jesse went beyond helping his friend to helping many veterans de-stress and decompress, by getting back into the outdoors.

Vets4Vets is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and veterans through hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventures. They also pair youth with veterans in the Beloit, Kansas area who take them hunting and fishing. This symbiotic relationship allows both the mentee and veteran to develop an important relationship, crucial in developing new life-long hunters and anglers, and playing a role in salving some of the unseen wounds of war.

Jesse is a busy man – a husband, and father to 3 children. He works a full-time job, and dedicates most of his free time to Vets4Vets. Like most Local Legends, Jesse does almost everything for the organization, often at his own expense, and expecting nothing in return.

The term local legend means different things to different people. But, a constant is a local legend knows or does something meaningful in their local area. A legend in a different context harkens a guide or map. Jesse should be celebrated for his work moving North-Central Kansas toward a more hopeful future – a roadmap that likely includes more than a few hunting and fishing licenses sold to new hunters.

Through Local Legends, Powderhook accepts nominations and recognizes individuals for doing the critical work of helping their friends and neighbors find their way outdoors.

According Powderhook CEO, Eric Dinger, the program fits the way Powderhook looks at the challenges facing sportsmen and women of generations to come. Said Dinger, "Hunting and fishing license sales, along with gear purchases, generate much of the revenue needed to support conservation work. It's been well documented license buyers are declining as a percentage of the US population. At Powderhook, we fundamentally believe the only way that will change is to engage people at the local level in affecting this trend in their own lives. No program, no marketing campaign, no app, or website can do what the readers of this story can do by stepping up and getting involved. It's up to us as individual sportsmen and women to do the work, and that's why we're excited to recognize the people that are doing so. A very simple way to think about it is 'do more people go because of me, or do less people go because of me?' If everyone could answer 'more,' like the people we'll honor through Local Legends, the trend would change."

If someone in your area is doing what it takes to be called a Local Legend, shoot Powderhook an email at legends@powderhook.com. Please include some contact info, along with a photo, and a few sentences on why you believe your nominee deserves recognition for their work.

About Powderhook:
Powderhook's mission is Access for All. That means access for new hunters, anglers and shooters; for parents and their children; for neighbors who haven't been out in the field for years; and for you. Powderhook works with the nation's leading conservation organizations, retailers and manufacturers. The Powderhook app and revolutionary business model is bringing our industry together to solve some of its most important problems.