Women hunters who want to learn how to be safer and more successful are encouraged to check out a special hunter safety seminar at the upcoming National Wild Turkey Federation 37th Annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show.
Women hunters who want to learn how to be safer and more successful are encouraged to check out a special hunter safety seminar at the upcoming National Wild Turkey Federation 37th Annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show.
The seminar, titled “Women Hunters: Confidence-Building Strategies for Safer Hunting,” will be conducted by Marilyn Bentz, executive director of the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF), and Tammy Sapp, communications director for Kalkomey, parent company of hunter-ed.com. It will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013.
“With female hunters climbing to 1.5 million now or 11 percent of the hunting population, it’s important we reach this influential audience with safety messages,” Bentz said. “Women who attend this seminar can expect a fun, interactive session that will provide great safety tips for new and experienced hunters.”
One thing seminar attendees can expect is a fun game of “what’s wrong with this picture.” Women will be asked to look at an image and diagnose an unsafe situation and discuss how to handle it more safely. In addition, participants will see demonstrations of safe firearm carries, safe tree stand hunting and one of the new hunter safety videos found at hunter-ed.com.
Seminar attendees who must pass a hunter safety course before they can purchase a hunting license can get started on their training at hunter-ed.com. Students can receive official, state-specific training that fits into their busy schedules. Plus, the course is mobile friendly, allowing students to take the course on a smartphone, tablet or laptop with no app required. The course automatically sizes itself to whatever mobile device is being used.
Another course, bowhunter-ed.com, also offers official, state-specific training for those who wish to learn more about bowhunting or require bowhunter education before purchasing a hunting license.
In many states, students must pass an online course and a field day to complete all hunter or bowhunter education requirements. Students are encouraged to review state requirements about field days before beginning the online course.
Visit NWTF’s website to learn more about the NWTF’s convention seminar schedule.
About Kalkomey
Kalkomey, parent company of hunter-ed.com, is an official provider of recreational safety education products for all 50 states. An American company based in Dallas, Texas, Kalkomey produces print and Internet courses that have provided official safety certification since 1995. Kalkomey offers safety courses in boating, hunting, bowhunting, safe handgun use, and off-road vehicle and snowmobile operation. For more information, visit www.kalkomey.com.
About the National Bowhunter Education Foundation
The NBEF and its network of 5,000 volunteer instructors work hard to ensure the future of bowhunting. Each year thousands of committed volunteers donate their time and financial means to bowhunter education throughout the world. The core curriculum of the program remains standardized throughout all 50 states and numerous foreign countries.
For more information regarding the NBEF or becoming an instructor, please contact the National Bowhunter Education Foundation at info@nbef.org or visit www.nbef.org. To take an online bowhunter education course, visit www.bowhunter-ed.com.
For more information, contact:
Tammy Sapp