GoWild Co-Founders Discuss Technology’s Impact on the Future of Hunting

“There is not a single person on our team who has an ego. We seek out opinions from so many people. We want feedback from the community. We want people to have a voice. I know I’m not an expert. We seek out the people in their respective fields—cooking, deer hunting, or whatever because we want to do it right. We want to do it, from a technology perspective, to do it 10 times better than anyone’s ever done it before.”

— Zack Grimes

Zack Grimes is a data scientist, and the co-founder of GoWild. On the most recent episode of Restless Native, he makes data and tech predictions for the outdoors industry.

"Five years ago, no one knew what their golf stats were. Now, amateur golfers have incredible data available to them. Hunting is about to experience the same," Grimes said. 

The podcast dives into how GoWild has approach data and hardware integrations, and how the platform is curating that data and information. 

The two talk about their failures and successes that brought them togehter to create GoWild. Along with tacos. There's a decent amount of taco banter. 

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Come Hang With Team GoWild in Nashville

GoWild and POMA have teamed up to host a party at the Nashville Palace on Thursday. Check out the details here