Free POMA Webinar: The Importance of Media Outreach to Diverse Audiences ~ Now Online

Chris Cheng the History Channel’s Top Shot Season 4 Champion discussed the importance of communicator and sportsmen outreach to diverse audiences. To grow the shooting sports, our community must introduce those from outside the traditional hunting and shooting community to our industry and culture.

Chris Cheng the History Channel’s Top Shot Season 4 Champion discussed the importance of communicator and sportsmen outreach to diverse audiences. To grow the shooting sports, our community must introduce those from outside the traditional hunting and shooting community to our industry and culture.


Attendees learned:

  • What is diversity, and why is it important?
  • Chris reviewed highlights from the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) “Understanding Diversity in Hunting and Shooting Sports” report, and how our industry can benefit from its findings. Reading the NSSF report ahead of time will be useful.
  • What can POMA’s professional communicators do to help promote diversity

Chris’ 20-minute presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of open Q&A. 

Chris’ latest book on beginning marksmanship and personal/professional development is coming out in July 2014. In the meantime, follow Chris on where you can read his blog, see his schedule and follow him on social media.
Media, to request more information on the study, contact NSSF’s Director of Media Relations Bill Brassard.

Access POMA’s archived webinars.

Chris is a former Google employee, who went from being a self-taught amateur shooter to a professional marksman for Bass Pro Shops.

Chris is a relative newcomer to the firearms industry, having left Google in June 2012 after winning Top Shot to pursue his new career full time. Chris is excited to share his thoughts on diversity in the firearms industry, and how we can attract new gun owners to the shooting sports, hunting, and outdoor culture.


Access POMA’s archived webinars.