Food Podcasts Like Never Before: Jeremiah Doughty Breaks Down Cooking While Breaking Down the Animal

“I brought people here to show them there’s a better way to do life. To do hunting. Butchering. Cooking. To think outside the box when it comes to getting dirty for your dinner. No one wants to help anyone in this industry. We’re losing our culture. We’re losing what we are and who we are. From Field to Plate classes are to do the opposite.”

— Jeremiah Doughty, Wild Game Chef with From Field to Plate

The audio on this show is brutal at some points. But the host doesn't apologize.

So goes it in the field, so goes this podcast.  

This week's Restless Native, the podcast hosted by GoWild's Co-Founder, Brad Luttrell, gets up close and personal with food. You’re going to hear the sound of the butchering of a big game animal. You’ll hear a 70 pound gut bucket dragged across pavement. And you’ll hear the loud bangs and frying sounds in the kitchen as we cook up said animal.

The quality of this podcast is in the realness. This show was captured during that process so many of us know well—immediately after an animal expires, and during the consumption of that animal.

This is a special show coming from a recent hunting trip to Texas. Team GoWild hunted its tails off with Jeremiah Doughty. We butchered for hours. And we ate. A lot. So we did this show while Jeremiah did what he does best. 

If you don’t know Jeremiah, he’s the man behind From Field to Plate. You can find him on GoWildFacebook or Instagram. His website is a wealth of information. He’s a wild game chef, and one of our favorites in the industry.

For this show, we wanted to talk to him in his element. As he’s doing what he loves most— butchering and cooking.

No matter your experience in the woods, You will learn something on this show. I am fairly confident you haven’t heard a podcast like this before.

This is real. This is raw. This truly From Field to Plate.

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