Do the Survey Results You Use in Content Pass the Smell Test? Dependable Data for Communicators ~ Webinar Now Online

Incorporating data into content adds credibility and provides great visuals, but only if the data used is reliable. Mark Damian Duda showed us how to find trustworthy data to enhance journalistic, marketing, and public relations works. All data is not equal.

Incorporating data into content adds credibility and provides great visuals, but only if the data used is reliable. Mark Damian Duda showed us how to find trustworthy data to enhance journalistic, marketing, and public relations works. All data is not equal.

Presenter Bio: Mark is the executive director of Responsive Management, an organization developed to help hunting and sport-shooting agencies and organizations better understand and work with their constituents and customers. Mark has managed more than 500 research projects on how the public relates to wildlife, including attitudes toward hunting and hunting-related issues. He is also the author of four books on wildlife and outdoor recreation.

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Mark‘s research has been featured in most major media, including:

  • CNN
  • NPR
  • New York Times
  • Wall Street Journal
  • Washington Post and
  • USA Today


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