The Embassy Suites Columbia-Greystone offers complimentary shuttles between the airport and the hotel, as well as within a 5 mile radius of the hotel.
The Embassy Suites Columbia-Greystone offers complimentary shuttles between the airport and the hotel, as well as within a 5 mile radius of the hotel.
Shuttles run from 7 am to 11 pm daily and leave the hotel on the hour. Shuttles leave the airport at 20 minutes after the hour.
If you arrive at an odd time or after the shuttle has just left, you can use the courtesy phone at the airport to have the shuttle come pick you up. This is only applicable between 7 am and 11 pm.
Please be sure to board only the shuttle pictured, as it is the only one associated with the hotel. If you board a shuttle that is not the Embassy’s, there will be a charge.
If you arrive at the airport, or will be leaving the hotel for the airport before 7 am** or after 11 pm, you will need to arrange alternate transportation. The preferred taxi companies are:
Checker Yellow (803)-799-3311 (preferred); Capitol City Cab (803) 794-2225. The average cost is $18 – $25.
**Based on attendees departure times on Sunday, March 10, the hotel may provide a shuttle to begin airport runs at 5 am. We will determine the need for this arrangement at the conference registration desk.