Clay Target Teams for High Schoolers – This Week on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio

Rich Elliott, Trap & Skeet Team Assistant Coach at Calvary Chapel High School in California, talks with Tom on Sunday about how he got involved with the USA High School Clay Target League, why teams need members, and how you can help! Find a team for your teenager near you, volunteer as a coach, and much more at

Also on this week, CalGuns Foundation’s Gene Hoffman, with info on a new “Assault Weapons” lawsuit, why ammo dealers might be in trouble, and more. Find out about CalGuns at

Don’t forget about the great giveaway going on at! Enter to win a multitude of prizes, including three Springfield Armory firearms, a slew of CrossBreed Holsters products, Hexmag magazines and grips, Crimson Trace lasers, an Action Target plate rack, ammo from AngelFire, and cool products from AR500, and Sentry through December 25th.

In its 23rd year of national syndication, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk® radio show airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 240 stations every week. Listen on a radio station near you ( or via live streaming ( All Gun Talk shows can also be downloaded as podcasts at, Apple iTunes, and i-Heart radio, or through one of the available Apps: GunDealio on iPhone, GunDealio on Android, and the Gun Talk App on Stitcher. Gun Talk is also available on YouTube, (, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, and