
The one question everyone wants to know when you’re buying outdoor gear is, “Is this the right product for the job?”
The outdoor social platform, GoWild, has created a way to answer that question before you buy with its social shopping. Thousands of its community members are sharing the products they’re using by tagging gear. This content fuels the community’s ecosystem of more than 500K products, allowing gear shoppers to evaluate not only a 5 star review, but how the product is performing via real in-the-field content from customers.
“It’s one thing to read specs, but to see a product in action from real people who use the product adds a layer of insight you just don’t get anywhere else,” said GoWild Cofounder, CEO, Brad Luttrell. “Our goal is to help outdoor enthusiasts buy gear that works, and to help brands find a more organic way to share their story. It’s a win win for brands.”
GoWild is working with outdoor industry giants like Garmin, Rocky Boots and Vortex Optics, as well as emerging brands that are tapping into a competitive space. With GoWild’s expanding community and customer base, newcomers like Crosskix, an innovative water shoe brand, are finding rapid traction.
"From day one, I saw that GoWild was going to better connect our brands to the consumer and I knew we had to be a part of it,” said Glen Reich, the Director of eCommerce for Kelly Brand Management. “Brands are all grappling to tie digital advertising, influencers and content back to sales, and GoWild is at the convergence of all of this. It makes real content shoppable, and the results have been amazing.”
To date, Kelly Brand Management has brought Crosskix, DSG Outerwear, and Nexxus Bowhunting into the GoWild ecosystem, with Treezyn, Hybrid Light and several more joining soon.
Customers can visit shopgowild.com to begin shopping today, and downloadgowild.com to join the community.
Existing Brands:
Rocky Boots
Vortex Optics
Irish Setter
Steiner Optics
Otis Technology
DSG Outerwear
North Mountain Gear
Lasso Socks
Early Riser Coffee
Strike King
Full fishing lineup