Behind the Scenes with GoWild & Garmin on New Wearable Integration

“Part of our vision is to build up a product line of products that can enhance the outdoor experience for the sportsman, but not take away from it.”

— Chad VanCamp, Product Manager with Garmin

GoWild recently launched a new product with Garmin, innovating how hunters and archers can track and learn from their activities. The project was co-announced at the Archery Trade Association's trade show.  

It's one thing to read about it in a press release, but it's another to hear the minds behind it. GoWild Co-Founders sit down and chat with Garmin Product Manager Chad VanCamp about the making of this app. This interview discusses the relationship from the very beginning, and even hints at what's ahead. Chad has become a frequent flyer on the Gritty podcast since the Xero bow sight came out last year, and as Brad says, he's just one of the most down to earth people you can meet. 

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About the New Garmin + GoWild Partnership

GoWild, an outdoors activity tracking and social media platform, announces the launch of its new Garmin Connect IQ™ app. Through this integration, GoWild’s community members will have the ability to track and share robust digital stories, ranging from automated archery shot counts, miles hiked on hunts, scouting points of interest, and biometric data collected during any of these activities by using Connect IQ-enabled Garmin devices. Archers can track progress with ease, and hunters can relive the exact moment when their heart rate spiked in the presence of the bull or buck of their dreams.

The GoWild Connect IQ app combines the two companies’ proprietary technology to capture over 25 points of data. Similar to the score keeping feature on the Garmin Xero™ A1i and A1 bow sights, a new archery shot detection algorithm widget allows Garmin Connect IQ-enabled smartwatches to automatically recognize when a shot is taken, without input from the shooter. The GoWild Connect IQ app tracks and imports individual group performance, total groups, photographs of each group, emotive ratings of the session and heart rate. Upon completion of the activity, shooters can upload summary photos from their sessions to their phone and then share with the GoWild community.

“The GoWild Connect IQ app allows a shooter to capture rich quantitative and qualitative data,” said GoWild Co-Founder and CEO, Brad Luttrell. “More importantly, it allows people to engage with and learn from an active community of archers. You can compare yourself to shooters who identify as your same skill level. And if users are tracking their progress through all of 2019, we’ll have some amazing analytics to share, such as total arrows shot, average yardage, average heart rate and how that compares to others.”

Relive the Story Like You’ve Never Experience on a Phone

What if you could actually feel what your heart rate was the second that big bull or buck stepped from the timber? Now you can.

We’ve combined Garmin’s sophisticated multisatellite GPS tracking and biometric data sensors with our own patent pending technology to create a digital memory like you’ve never experienced before. Relive and share your hikes, hunts, archery sessions and more with a dynamic timeline, which highlights your anonymized map, varying altitude, GPS-pinned photos, and what is everyone’s “OMG moment,” the second-to-second heart rate tracking. You can feel each beat of your heart as you scroll through your hunt’s timeline. See Omar "Crispy" Avila's reaction when he saw it for the first time here

GoWild also applied this technology to archery, hiking and scouting.


The GoWild app for Garmin features a complex archery shot detection algorithm, allowing Garmin Connect IQ-enabled smartwatches to automatically recognize when a shot is taken, without input from the shooter. Track and import individual group performance, total groups, photographs of each group, emotive ratings of the session and heart rate. Upon completion of the activity, shooters can upload summary photos from their sessions to their phone and then share with the GoWild community.

Archers can track progress with ease. Not only that, the product helps coach archers to slow down, find their anchors and avoid punching their shots with a 2 second holding period before each shot. This combined with seeing exactly which shots your heart rate spiked can help you pinpoint your target panic and work to remove it.

Drop Points Of Interests (POIs) for your Scouts and Hunts

GoWild's Garmin scouting and hunting integration allows hunters to save points of interest (POI), such as animal beds, game trails, trail cameras, blinds, or tree stands to their private map, even across multiple scouts. An upcoming version of GoWild app will allow the navigation to those points, as well as the ability to see them on a private map. 

Read more on the integration here

Download GoWild here