Hope Community Resources is a nonprofit organization that serves hundreds of individuals and families throughout Alaska who experience a variety of disabilities. Hope offers a wonderful Outdoor Pursuits Program to the individuals they serve and support in order to experience a wide variety of subsistence and outdoor activities on Kodiak. It is quite possibly one of the most unique outdoor programs in the county for those facing the challenges of disabilities. Unfortunately, due to massive, impending state budget cuts, this program may cease to exist, or at least be drastically reduced in regard to what it can offer.
In an attempt to raise awareness, as well as support for this incredable program, I have written a story which I am sharing with the outdoor community and asking for your help in passing the information along to others. The full story can be viewed here. If you'd like to help spread the word, feel free to copy any or all of the article and use the photos however you'd like.
Joseph Classen