2024 Pinnacle Awards Window Now Open

It’s hard to believe that another year has flown by, and it’s time again to enter POMA’s Pinnacle Awards.

This is the chance for content you’ve already generated and been paid for, within the past year, to be recognized. Content between Nov. 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2023, is eligible for entry.

Pull together your best articles, books, broadcasts, photos, etc., and get them ready to submit. You can mail submissions, or use our simple electronic submission option.

Eight categories are available, and you can enter up to two pieces per category.

  1. Newspaper/Internet Article
  2. Magazine Article
  3. Magazine Complete (Digital)
  4. Magazine Complete (Print)
  5. Book (including e-books)
  6. Broadcasting (audio and/or video)
  7. Art and Imagery (painting, illustration, photography and graphics)
  8. **Wildlife Conservation and Management (**work in any medium is acceptable, but wildlife conservation and management must be the primary subject.)

See Pinnacle Award rules and entry form for complete details. We look forward to seeing your submissions.

Awards are presented at POMA’s Annual Meeting May 6-9 at the South Carolina Waterfowl Association in Pinewood, SC.