Archive of Stock Photo Gallery Photographers’ Meetings

Archive of Stock Photo Gallery Photographers’ Meetings

March 2, 2010

The photographers decided:

  • All photogs will use the Photographer Controlled (in our gallery terms Royal Free) setting on all images. This means that each photographer will negotiate his/her own prices with the buyer. POMA bill invoice the buyer, collect the fees and pay the photographers. So, when photographers upload images they will select "Royalty Free" as the rights option. Buyers at no time see the term "Royalty Free". They see the term Photographer Controlled.
  • All photogs will use Photo Quote as the starting point for quoting prices for images beyond editorial use (since most editorial buyers have a set range of pricing). I was able to secure a 10 – 15% discount on all Cradoc software products (Photo Quote, Photo Keywords, etc.) for POMA members. This will save folks some money. The link to the purchase page will be on the POMA website early next week.
  • Because buyers do not purchase directly from the site, POMA Stock and its photographers use an honor system in regard to sales from the stock gallery. Any sales generated by a photographer as a result of POMA Stock will be invoiced through POMA and a commission (10%) paid to POMA. Photogs agree that this arrangement extends to all image sales, whether shown in the gallery or not, if/when the buyer comes through the gallery. (POMA is able to follow contacts by potential buyers and follow up with the buyers, but will rely on the integrity of the photographers to invoice buyers, pay photographers and generate the commission that runs the stock gallery).
  • POMA and the photographers must remain flexible on pricing (don’t use a set price calculator) or we’ll lose the battle to the cheap stock photo houses.
  • What makes POMA Stock unique is that our photographers are "subject matter specialists" and this aspect will be promoted.
  • LLD will convert images that are set now as "right managed" to royalty free (over the coming weeks).
  • LLD will alter the text in the Order Info page that buyers refer to when leaning how to buy images — to include on the Photographer Controlled option.
  • LLD will place text on several key pages that states: The images shown on the POMA Stock gallery do not reflect the complete image libraries of the photographers. If you (buyer) see an image you like but need a different orientation/perspective/composition or have a certain set of criteria for an image you do not see here, e-mail and list needs. POMA will connect you with the photographer or your choice or will send you request to photographers.