Holly G. Green: An experienced business leader and behavioral scientist, Holly has a rare combination of extensive academic training and in-the-trenches experience working in and leading organizations. As CEO and Managing Director of THE HUMAN FACTOR, Inc., Holly helps business leaders achieve excellence by creating clarity on what winning looks like and determining how to get there. Her unique approach to strategic agility, alignment and engagement – based on the approach Pause, Think, Focus, Run – provides the tools, techniques, and skills needed for your business to reach its strategic destinations and achieve its goals. Holly has also authored two books, More Than a Minute: How to Be an Effective Leader and Manager in Today’s Changing World and Use Your Brain to Win. Some of Holly’s past clients include Google, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Nissan and Expedia.com.

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Holly G. Green

Jason McDonald is one of POMA members’ favorite conference presenters. Jason is director of the JM Internet Group, and has been active in Internet marketing since 1994, first in hi-tech for embedded engineers and increasingly in teaching SEO, social media, and AdWords to businesspeople and marketers online. Jason also teaches live at Stanford University’s Continuing Studies Program as well as in San Francisco. His philosophy is can-do, and hands-on: to position Internet marketing as a marketing challenge – first- and a technical challenge, second. His published books include “SEO Fitness Workbook” and “AdWords Gotchas,” both with many tens of positive review on Amazon. You can find Jason on the Internet by just Googling, ‘Jason McDonald’ (he’s number 1). In his spare time, Jason is devoted to his new Labrador retriever puppy, Buddy.

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Jason McDonald








Rob Pincus: A professional trainer, Rob Pincus is also an author and consultant through his company I.C.E. Training Company and developer of the Combat Focus® Shooting Program. He also works in partnership with Professional Defense Network as author and developer of the Personal Defense DVD Series and managing editor of the PDN website. His experience in law enforcement and security as well as his media savvy skills put him at the echelon in the space of tactical equipment and best practices for self-defense. His multi-media training methods are the most efficient and effective in the marketplace. Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Rob travels the world over with television and video production as well as real-world training situations. Rob is a staff writer for S.W.A.T. Magazine and host of three Outdoor Channel television series: The Best Defense, The Best Defense: Survival and S.W.A.T. Magazine TV. Rob hosts team building and leadership development programs for multi-national corporations and is author of several books including Defend Yourself: A Comprehensive Security Plan for the Armed Homeowner.

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C. Ainsley Beeman began her business career in the outdoor/hunting industry as a freelance broadcaster and writer, which propelled her into position to work full time for respectable industry leaders. In light of further opportunity and an ever-evolving marketplace in 2013 Beeman started her own business, Purposed Communications, a full service communications/marketing firm located in Baton Rouge, LA. As an entrepreneur, Beeman is able to focus on niche marketing techniques highlighting client attributes previously left undeveloped.



Margot Ardoin pursued a career in marketing upon graduation from college. A team player and having a heart for excellence, Ardoin honed in on a unique skill set that reflected her flair for marketing. In 2014, Ardoin embarked upon an adventure where marketing savvy and a tenacious business sense intertwined with a greater vision by joining forces with communication specialist, Ainsley Beeman. Together, they have yoked their combined talents into a unique and inspiring company, Purposed Communication.


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Christen Everly: Sales Director at Media Lodge, Christen Everly is a University of Southern California (USC) Communications graduate, working extensively in public relations and advertising with agencies and media groups for more than 20 years. She is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


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Jennifer L.S. Pearsall will lead a Jumpstart Roundtable on how far we’ve come in 30 years with women in the outdoor industry – and where we still need to go. Within the last year, Pearsall joined the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) as Director of Public Relations. She enjoys a plethora of industry accolades including editorial roles with the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Gun Digest book publications. Because of her experience in freelance writing and photography, she also knows the role of going it alone and working with industry connections. During her career, which includes a stint in outdoor industry retail, Pearsall joined the competitive shooting ranks and is an avid upland and big game hunter.


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Jennifer L.S. Pearsall









Chris Cheng is an American sport shooter and The History Channel’s Top Shot Season 4 Champion. Along with the title of “Top Shot”, Cheng won a cash prize and a professional marksman contract with the show’s sponsor, Bass Pro Shops. Chris has recently become a best-selling author, with the first run of his book “Shoot to Win” selling out just two weeks after being released.


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Chris Cheng



John Annoni is an educator in the Allentown School District, author, inventor and founder of Camp Compass and 2 Million Bullets. The program that John Annoni started has impacted young lives over a substantial period of time.  It goes beyond spending a day in the woods and water with a child.   He has have given students a new outlook on conservation, sportsmen’s philosophies and life.  John is responsible for founding a program that joins different cultures, ages and socioeconomic groups to ensure our country’s great outdoor heritage continues to progress into the future.

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John Annoni

Kevin Howard is the President of Howard Communications Inc., a full service Public Relations Firm specializing in the outdoor industry.  Kevin is a 30 + year veteran of the industry.  He started with his own outdoor publication in St. Louis, Missouri that is still in print today.  He began working from the Public Relations side of the business in 1987 and he and his wife Elaine started Howard Communications Inc. in 1999.  Current clients include Browning, Bushnell, Mossy Oak, Hunter’s Specialties, SPG/Browning Packs, Birchwood Casey, Winchester Repeating Arms, D.T. Systems, USCCA and SCI.


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Kevin Howard



Tammy Sapp has worked as an outdoor writer, photographer and communications professional throughout her 29-year career. She worked for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation for more than a decade before accepting the challenge to grow the communications department for the National Wild Turkey Federation. Today, she coordinates communications efforts for Bass Pro Shops, the outdoor retail leader in hunting, camping, nature gifts, and outdoor cooking. An avid hunter, angler, paddler and recreational shooter, Tammy has a passion for conservation and sharing our outdoor traditions.

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Tammy Sapp


Steve McGrath’s route into the outdoor industry took a winding route that began with a cast iron skillet, of all things. It was the love of food, and it’s origin, that led him into working in outdoor field. As the Marketing and PR Director for Camp Chef he loves spending time pursuing his family’s next dinner. He is busy passing his passion for the outdoors on to his children and happily takes his wife along whenever possible.

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Steve McGrath


Don C. Pickard has been insuring Photographers/Producers for thirty years. TCP & Co. is the largest insurer of photographers in the USA. We offer an exclusive insurance program designed by TCP & Co. to insure against the risks and exposures faced by the Photo/Production Industries.

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Don C. Pickard


Eric Dinger is the co-founder and CEO of Powderhook.com, a website built to help people hunt and fish more often. With Powderhook you can find spots, sell event tickets online, plan trips, and communicate with groups in an environment built specifically for sportsmen and women.

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Eric Dinger



Karen Lee is one of the youngest editors in the business, Karen Lee joined NWTF to launch Women In The Outdoors magazine and Wheelin’ Sportsmen. Along with the NWTF editorial team, Karen also launched Turkey Country, the organization’s flagship magazine. She now serves a dual role as editor-in-chief and director of marketing communications, and oversees all of the NWTF’s communications. She’s also the co-host of “Turkey Call” television show. Karen never shot a gun until she started working at the NWTF. Since then, she has hunted turkeys, quail, big game and waterfowl in 15 states and Africa.


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Karen Lee


Lindsay Thomas, Jr.  is the Director of Communications for the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA), a POMA Cornerstone Corporate Partner. He is also the editor of QDMA’s Quality Whitetails magazine and QDMA.com. He has been a POMA member since 2008, and he earned a POMA Pinnacle Award in 2010 for the book “Deer Cameras: The Science of Scouting.”

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Lindsay Thomas, Jr.


James Powell has two decades of experience in publishing, corporate communications, public and media relations and wildlife management to his endeavors. He has held communications positions with the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Cabela’s and Plum Creek Timber Company. He currently serves as Director of Communications for Ducks Unlimited, where he directs communications support for DU’s conservation delivery. He has a B.A. in English from Texas Tech University and a B.S. in Wildlife Science from New Mexico State University. James is an avid angler and waterfowler who also enjoys hunting big game and upland birds.

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James Powell


Bryan Hendricks has been the award-winning Outdoor Editor at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette since 2005. In addition to producing all the material for two full Outdoors pages weekly, he has written 11 1A articles, and an equal number 1B articles, galvanizing the Outdoor Editor position as a “hard news” contributor to the only statewide daily newspaper in Arkansas. Hendricks has worked at three other newspapers in Arkansas during a 30-year career that touches all corners of journalism, and was managing editor of Missouri Conservationist magazine during his five years with the Missouri Department of Conservation, the associate editor of Outdoor Oklahoma during his three years with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, and that agency’s public information officer and news manager. He’s edited four magazines for Game and Fish Publications in Marietta, Georgia, has published one book, “Arkansas, A Guide to Backcountry Travel & Adventure” and has contributed to 10 other books. He is also co-host of “Ray Tucker’s Arkansas Outdoors” which airs Wednesday nights on KABZ – 103.7 FM, Little Rock.

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Bryan Hendricks

Mark Coker founded Smashwords in 2008 to make it fast, free and easy for authors to publish and distribute an ebook.  Today, Smashwords is the world’s largest distributor of self-published ebooks. Smashwords distributes globally to Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Scribd, Oyster, OverDrive and Baker & Taylor Axis 360.  Mark’s three free books about ebook publishing best practices – The Smashwords Style Guide, The Smashwords Book Marketing Guide, and The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success – have been downloaded over 700,000 times and are considered essential reference guides.

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Mark Coker

Gary Wilson knows that chasing a dream can take years to capture. While in search mode, and armed with only a vision, he attended his first POMA conference being referred by wildlife photographer, Tony Bynum. March 2015 will be the two year anniversary of that event, and much has become of the vision – 100+ film submissions, Five Film Festivals, 150 City Tours, a TV show on Sportsman Channel and one on CarbonTV. More importantly, Gary has discovered the purpose and meaning of conservation. His journey has opened his eyes to the inspirational impact films have on fueling our passion for the outdoors. His mission is to help promote and bring exposure to the Best of the Outdoor Short Films in order to sustain our hunting heritage.

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Gary Wilson

Steve Hargis is Director of Film & Video Production for Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, Missouri, leading that department for over 28 years.  He is a passionate, creative, hands-on leader.  His team annually produces over 1,200 national TV commercials and multiple broadcast television shows about fishing, hunting and the outdoors airing on several major networks.  Other production includes content for hundreds of web product videos and content for their 200+ screen digital signage network in Bass Pro Shops’ retail stores.

Steve is a past member of the advisory board to Digital Signage Expo (DSE), and a current board member for the Digital Signage Federation (DSF).  He is a sought-after speaker on the topic of content production and content strategy planning. 

In 2014 Steve was presented the American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award for Lifetime achievement given to those who have made outstanding contributions to advertising.  Steve and his team are recipients of a ‘Best of Show’ ADDY, multiple Regional ADDYs, and over 200 Telly, Communicator, and other awards.  He was also honored with the prestigious Sharon Rushton Award for excellence in broadcast programming for youth from SEOPA. (Southeastern Outdoor Writers Assn.)

Steve also founded JRT Web Design & Creative Services in 1998 and specializes in consulting and creative solutions for digital signage, web, print, photography, and video production.

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Steve Hargis



Dave Appleton is owner of Upriver Productions- a TV and Video Production service specializing in hunting, fishing and other outdoor pursuits. Dave has been a full-time television and video professional since 1985.  Hobbies include- hunting, canoe camping, fishing, scuba, and wildlife watching.


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Dave Appleton

Alan (“AAA”) Roberts comes to Bass Pro Video Productions with an eclectic skill set including music, construction, aviation and  S.C.U.B.A. diving to name a few. Whether strapping GoPros to a bass boat, composing background music, designing and building sets, or producing live TV segments in New York for the Fox News Channel; Alan’s “MacGyver” approach to life earns him the moniker “AAA” among his friends and co-workers. 

The unique production environment at Bass Pro Shops calls on AAA to dive for underwater fishing shots at the bottom of a lake for award winning The Bass Pros TV shows; another day he’ll be rigging audio or GoPro shots for a Bass Pro hunting video; and the next he’ll floor direct a live production.  Regardless of the task, AAA has an uncommon ability to combine his talents, life experiences, and a Swiss army knife to see a need and fill the void. 

Alan will share some of his secrets of achieving good clean audio on your video shoot. He will also enlighten us with some ideas in utilizing GoPro cameras to create the perfect P.O.V. shot.

Incidentally, Alan’s nickname is pronounced “Triple A” and stands for “All Around Al”.  He says he doesn’t mind it “because it’s easier to hear over a headset; and besides, it seems there’s always another guy named Alan on the set and that just gets confusing”.

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Alan "AAA" Roberts