POMA Stock Photo Gallery
POMA Stock Gallery Mission Statement: The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) Member Stock Photo Gallery provides a portal for POMA’s individual professional photographers to cooperatively display and offer their images for sale to the public. Gallery profits benefit members and help fund the various activities and services offered by POMA, to ensure the organization meets the goals outlined in its Mission Statement.
POMA’s Stock Photo Gallery allows POMA members an additional vehicle through which they may market their images. All POMA members are encouraged to sign up as photographers and upload images.
The gallery is open to all potential buyers. When contacted about possible image availability, POMA staff sends buyers to the POMA Stock Gallery.
Become a POMA Stock Gallery Photographer
Stock Photo Submission Guidelines
Sales Commissions: POMA charges members a 10-percent commission per sale. The funds are used to maintain the gallery. Profits go to the POMA’s genearal operating fund.
POMA Stock Gallery Mission Statement: The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) Member Stock Photo Gallery provides a portal for POMA’s individual professional photographers to cooperatively display and offer their images for sale to the public. Gallery profits benefit members and help fund the various activities and services offered by POMA, to ensure the organization meets the goals outlined in its Mission Statement.