The following surveys are currently open for member participation:

The following surveys are currently open for member participation:

Media Membership Demographics – POMA’s Annual Media Member Demographic & Coverage Survey allows the organization to outline the subjects media members cover, the types of mediums represented by members, the amount of content produced by media members and the geographic location of members.

THIS IS A CRITICAL MEMBERSHIP SURVEY. Your participation is needed to help POMA:

  • Define the organization’s media outreach
  • Outline services and benefits that match members’ needs
  • Convey the power of the POMA’s press corps to potential benefactors, new members and those beyond our industry

Please complete the entire survey.

Communicator Award Nominations – Nominate a journalist for the Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator, Homer Circle Fishing Communicator or Fred Bear Archery and Bowhunting Communicator Award.

Share a Biz Tip With Members: Share your knowledge with fellow POMA members. Share a Money Line Biz Tip. Marketing, Writing, Photography, PR, Technology, Videography, Accounting, Contracts, Business Practices …

… Any tip that can help members increase their businesses bottom line is welcome.