POMA presents several journalistic awards, honoring communicators for their accomplishments. Nominate someone for the communicator awards by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

Pinnacle Awards Presented by Mossy Oak

Annually, POMA honors members’ best works of the year through the Pinnacle Awards. Media Members submit works in six categories: book; magazine writing; newspaper/Web writing; broadcast; photography/art; and conservation. Honorees are announced at the annual business conference.

Sport-Specific Communicator Awards

POMA/ATA Fred Bear Archery and Bowhunting Communicator Award
POMA/NSSF Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award
POMA Homer Circle Fishing Communicator Award

These prestigious awards honor communicators who

  • Grasp the ideals
  • Foster the commitment to the sport(s)
  • Display the communications talent, and
  • Share the spirit of mentoring and giving as displayed by the award namesakes and journalistic icons, Fred Bear, Grits Gresham or Homer Circle, during their storied careers

Nominate a journalist for the Fred Bear, Grits Gresham or Homer Circle Awards.

  • (One nomination per form)
  • Provide the journalist's name, location and affiliation (i.e. John Smith, Arizona, freelance magazine writer)

  • Provide details on the journalist's level of excellence in outdoor communications, commitment to mentoring future communicators and efforts focused on promoting the heritage and future of the sport(s) specified in the award.
  • Please provide your contact information.