Register for Conference to Reserve Spots at CP Events

Register for Conference to Reserve Spots at CP Events

CP Conference Planner — everything you need to know

Product Showcase      Shooting Event      POMA Camps-Interactive Day

New CP Schedule      Marriott Catering Menus     Partnership Opportunities

CP Content Guidebook (formerly CP Bible)


The CP Conference Planner was e-mailed to CPs on April 4, 2011.
Please check your e-mail inbox.

Changes in Conference Affecting CPs

The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) announced several additions and changes to events for manufacturers and associations at the organization’s annual business conference. The changes provide more opportunity for industry professionals to connect with the media and will be integrated at POMA’s 2011 Annual Business Conference in Ogden, Utah, Aug. 10 – 13, 2011.

“In addition to offering new opportunities for companies to network with the media, the changes will save many money and time,” said Pete Brownell, POMA Corporate Partner board member. “Two of the elements that make POMA unique are its focus on listening to members need s and meeting them and maintaining the flexibility to change or incorporate programs quickly. The changes are a perfect example.”

Register for conference now
to reserve spots at interactive events


New Opportunities

See It, Use It

A two-day event that incorporates three events: A half-day indoor product display and content gathering event; A half-day shooting event; and a half-day interactive activities program, POMA Camps.

Spots at all See It, Use It events are limited assigned first-come, first-served — based on the date of conference registration.

See It, Product Showcase: This afternoon/evening event (Thurs., 4 – 7 p.m.) is a trade-show-style set up during which Corporate Partners show product, discuss technologies/innovations, are interviewed and help the media develop content. All CPs who attend the conference are provided tables (one per brand) for display purposes. Space is limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date of conference registration.

Use It, Shooting Event: Thus morning event (Fri., 8 – 11 a.m.) is for firearms (all segments), ammunition and archery products. Shooting stations are available for rifle, shotgun, handguns, bows/crossbows and clays. Space is limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on date of conference registration. Space is limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date of conference registration.

Use It, POMA Camps – Interactive Day: The afternoon event (Fri., 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.) offers three outdoor activity camps, Base Camp, Fishing/Boating Camp and Field Camp (complete details). Each camp is populated by six CPs, who work together to provide an active camp atmosphere and activities that allow media members to test non-firearms-related products shoot photography/video and have some fun. Space is limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date of conference registrationReservation request deadline, May 15, 2011.  Register for conference now to reserve a spot.

Issues & Answers

Informational press conference, which allow organizations such as the American Sportfishing Association, Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation, National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Wild Turkey Federation and others to present information on critical issues facing the traditional outdoor sports industry. Space limited and assigned on a first-come, first-served basis based on the date of conference registration.

Scheduling Change

Another important change is in scheduling. Now, Product Showcase (See It) and Interactive Field Day (Use It) are scheduled on back-to-back days (Thursday & Friday). This allows corporate attendees to get into and out of conference quickly and economically when schedules are tight.

Partnership Opportunities

** A wide range of conference partnerships are available including meals, business sessions, beverage breaks, program, registration, transportation and much more. Partnerships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. When reviewing partnerships, contact POMA as soon as possible about availability as the website list is only updated weekly.

Meal & Beverage Partners: Catering Menu

Other Important Info

CP Content Guidebook (formerly CP Bible):

Put your message into the hands of every journalist at conference, whether you’re able to speak to every communicator or not.

Each CP participating at conference is entitled to placement of media materials in the CP Content Guidebook at no charge. The Guidebook is a notebook of story ideas, new product lists, company contacts and CD/DVD media kits.

The Guidebook streamlines a CPs efforts, is economical and ensures that every media member at conference receives the press materials of every CP in attendance. If you don’t get to visit with a media member face to face, he/she still receives your press materials. The Guidebook truly is a win-win service.

What’s required of CPs:

Ship 90, three-hole punched company/product info sheets and 90 CD/DVD press kits on a spindle (not in separate sleeves) to POMA at the Marriott Ogden. Label the outside of the box with POMA CP Guidebook.

Sheets/CDs/DVDs must arrive at the hotel between Aug. 3-5. CP Bibles are collated on-site by staff and presented to media members at the conference registration desk. A box is provided so media members can easily ship the notebook home or place it in their luggage.

All CP Company Product/Info Sheets should utilize the format outlined below for continuity and ease of review by media members.

Check back often for more CP-related conference information.