Are you logging into your photographer’s account and viewing your images there — or are you talking about simply going to the site (not logging in) and browsing the images? Each function works differently.

Are you logging into your photographer’s account and viewing your images there — or are you talking about simply going to the site (not logging in) and browsing the images? Each function works differently.

1) If you’re looking at your images through your photographer’s account and Media Manager, you have to click on the edit (page) or the IPTC (exclamation point) icons to see IPTC (copyright, photographer, metadata) info.






2) If you’re on the website browsing around (as a visitor or buyer) — you see lots of thumbnails (whether you search or not). Thumbnails don’t show IPTC data.











3) Site visitors/buyers see the IPTC data when they click on a thumbnail image (like those above) to see the image in full view. Copyright, keywords, caption and other data show.