Build Your Skills in Social Media and SEO: Nancy Jo Adams Shows Us How
As the ever increasing number of media resources migrate to exclusive online content and magazine publishing companies offer online editions, the necessity for writers who are well versed in social media platforms that possess a good understanding of key word usage for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has never been more important. Social media writing is rapidly evolving as a form of writing specifically intended for wide distribution on social media outlets—in other words, well-written material to be found and shared by the users of social media. Having a social media presence and a working knowledge of SEO is not only beneficial to you as a writer but also critical to your future growth and success.
Why social media? Social media platforms are not only an avenue open to you for connecting with readers and existing customers while promoting your works, it is also a viable, up to date way to make connections with new readers, potential new clients, new vendor relations, as well as stay abreast of new products, new trends in the industry, and the materials and publications of other writers. Which social media platform to choose for your best resource is one that will take some research. For example, if you are a writer, you would benefit from Facebook, Twitter and Google+. As a photographer or if you publish many of your own photos in your writings you may want to join Instagram, Pinterest and/or Flickr as well. A videographer would add YouTube and/or Vimeo. Regardless of one’s profession or accumulation of works submitted, one social media is a must for all and that is LinkedIn.
It is important to build an effective public profile in social media which includes your name or pen name, your updated contact information, your website, a list of companies that you have published with, and an archive of published works. If you have a digital public portfolio, you will want to include that in your profile keeping in mind not to publish personal information such as your physical home address.
Why knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? SEO is the method used in boosting a websites’ rating among all other related websites in a search initiated on Internet search engines by keywords. This rating is used to rank hierarchy of the website in the returned results. The keywords in web content and articles, along with the meta tags in the configuration of the website, is how the methodology is structured. Having the knowledge and skills of writing an interesting article with strategic placement of keywords and the use of hyperlinks will boost the visibility of the article and increase traffic to the website. The lore of creating writings that drive traffic to the material being published by utilizing SEO methods is an increasingly sought after attribute in freelance and staff writers.
For many writers, social media and SEO may come easy; however, for an older generation of writers or those with minimal computer experience it can be overwhelming. Ultimately, it is important to have a working knowledge of both or it could come down to staying in the game or becoming obsolete in this age of technology.
Here are some helpful websites for those who would like to brush up on these skills:
Social Media:
Nancy Jo Adams is a writer (freelance & staff), columnist, content strategist, product review specialist, dedicated blogger, avid huntress and founder of Ladies in Camo. She is a mentor and advocate for women in the sport of hunting, an advocate for ethical hunting and enjoys working with companies in the hunting industry in effort of enhancing exposure for the company’s products. See, or email Nancy Jo at