Security Features of Everyday Apps

Almost everyone uses at least one social media app every day. And we often hear about security breaches, hacks, and other negative instances involving those apps. But, what some users may not know is that these apps have security features that they offer, and we should be taking advantage of them to help protect ourselves.... Read More

Learning from Photo Mistakes

It’s inevitable that every photographer will have images that are unusable. No matter how many pictures you take or how experienced you are, sometimes a photo can just stink. Instead of getting frustrated over the bad photo and simply deleting it, why not learn from it to help figure out what went wrong. A “photo... Read More

Reasons to Increase Social Influence

The goal of social media is to reach as many people as possible. Finding a way to increase your presence, build an audience, and raise your credibility should be at the top of your list. Your social media presence is becoming more and more a part of whether you’re growing your business or remaining stagnant.... Read More

Best Antivirus for Mac

The common belief is that Mac computers aren’t susceptible to viruses and malware. While they are less vulnerable than PCs, they’re not 100% immune and should be protected by antivirus software. As with any antivirus program, you should look for protection from malware, viruses, ransomware, etc. These are the top choices for protection that performs,... Read More

Apps to Help Balance Mental Health

Stress has become a normal part of everyday life for most people. Work stress continues to reach new levels as workplaces become more and more competitive. These levels of stress can negatively affect our mental health, and left unchecked can cause deeper mental issues. If issues like anxiety, depression, or mood disorders affect someone, they... Read More

Email Marketing Benefits

Email marketing is not dead, contrary to popular belief. It may be surprising to find out that a large number of Millenials still prefer email communications from businesses. Email campaigns can really provide benefits that are often impossible with other forms of marketing. From personalization to cost-effectiveness, email marketing still wins the prize for key... Read More

Using Drone Video for Business

Video has quickly become one of the best performing types of content on social media. People are becoming more and more visual and capturing their attention is becoming increasingly difficult, so wow-factor is a must. Drone videography can be a great way to add a whole new level to your social media event marketing. As... Read More

Reporting Spam Email to Microsoft

Unfortunately, spam and other types of malicious email threats continue to be on the rise. Most recently, it’s been reported that spammers are using the Coronavirus scare to target concerned consumers into clicking phishing links, giving out sensitive medical information, and more. Most of the time recipients either delete or ignore the email, but you... Read More

Digital Strategy Reinvention for 2020

Digital marketing strategies are not new to most businesses. However, the way information is gathered to implement digital marketing strategies is changing rapidly. Technology continues to become a more integral part in helping brands analyze data to create the best marketing plan. Understanding that technology can be a whole different story with new terms like... Read More

The Difference Between RAW and DNG File Formats

RAW and JPG are two very familiar photography file formats and there has been a long-time debate about the best format to shoot photos in. Each of those types has advantages and disadvantages, but there is a third type you may not even be familiar with – Digital Negative (DNG). Rather than making it a... Read More