VPN Terms Everyone Should Know

Most bigger companies are familiar with VPNs and the protection they offer. But now, with more people working remotely and from potentially unsecured locations, anyone can benefit from VPN service. A VPN is a more secure way to connect to the internet and can be used for work, banking, or anything that requires entering sensitive... Read More

Facebook Offers Tips to Improve Live Broadcasts

There are many platforms available to users that offer the ability to go “live”. Facebook Live has been around for a while, and its use has increased during the pandemic. In order to get the most out of your FB Live broadcast, you need to make sure you’re building an audience before it even ever... Read More

Using Lightroom Mobile for Photo Editing

Taking photos on mobile devices is more common than ever and some great photographers use them daily. However, editing those photos with mobile editing programs isn’t quite as easy. Lightroom is a robust editing program that a lot of photographers use on their computers to edit, and they also have a mobile version. Don’t make... Read More

Create a More Effective Business Website

2020 has been an interesting year, and had interesting effects on businesses, to say the least. While many businesses that rely on physical patronage are suffering, many that are primarily online are doing well. One thing is certain – online traffic numbers have increased, and having an effective website is key to getting your piece... Read More

Adapt Content Into an Instagram Story

Today, more than ever, brands need to find ways to capture their audience’s attention. Nowhere is that more true than on social media platforms. Your social media content not only has to be captivating, but it will also get more mileage if it’s aesthetically pleasing, too. Almost every brand has a theme that follows consistent... Read More

Apps Every iOS User Should Have

The Apple App store is bursting with services and apps that have become invaluable to iOS users. It’s easy to see an app that looks great, jump on the app store, and download it. But then what? How often do you really use that app, and is it really necessary or could it potentially cause... Read More

Content Marketing Strategy that Delivers ROI

The best business marketing strategy has always been based on having a conversation between the brand and its target audience. Many modern marketing techniques don’t follow that concept, but there’s one type that does – content marketing. Content marketing focuses on giving your audience what they want, whether that’s answering their questions or meeting a... Read More

Supercharge JPEGs with Secret Camera Settings

Shooting images in RAW format has advantages such as the ability to adjust the image quality in post-production software, but there may be times that using JPEG is the better choice. Even though the camera uses its own settings to determine what will give the best quality image, it may not always work out that... Read More

Manage Marketing Teams Remotely

The year 2020 has seen a major increase in the number of people that work remotely. Managing a team that is completely remote can present a different set of challenges. Keeping your team motivated and making sure they have the tools to do their job well can be hard enough in person, let alone remotely.... Read More

Apps for Increasing a Computer’s Speed

Having a slow computer is arguably one of the more frustrating things in life. When a computer starts acting up and slowing down, the initial thought is usually that it’s “time to get a new computer”, when in fact that may not be the only option. Sometimes a little digital housekeeping can help the PC... Read More