25+ Business Building Sessions Headline Conference Events
Do you want to know how to make it in the outdoor communications business in 2011 and beyond? Then you can afford to miss the 25-plus business-building and educational sessions at the POMA conference. To attend these sessions separately, you’d spend at least $2,500. Mobile apps, SEO, video streaming, photography, social media, issues and answers, gear for communicators, multi-media content bundles, content for e-readers — learn it all.
Do you want to know how to make it in the outdoor communications business in 2011 and beyond? Then you can afford to miss the 25-plus business-building and educational sessions at the POMA conference. To attend these sessions separately, you’d spend at least $2,500. Mobile apps, SEO, video streaming, photography, social media, issues and answers, gear for communicators, multi-media content bundles, content for e-readers — learn it all.
Business Sessions at a Glance
POMA’s business conferences are noted for hard-hitting educational sessions, top-notch presenters and plenty of business-building opportunities. The 2011 Business Conference in Ogden is no exception. Once again, POMA raises the bar by offering more choices, new programs and a national discussion.
From high tech to low, marketing to issues, and a national rights summit discussion to hands-on computing, attendees learn from experts inside and outside the traditional outdoor sports industry.
Referring to business session program enhancements, POMA Conference Chairman Bill Miller pointed to several significant additions, including
- Content Providers Business Track, specifically focused on helping communicators keep pace in the new media world
- Issues & Answers, 20-minute press conference-like presentations focused on key issues and trends in the traditional outdoor sports industry for communicators who want to generate news at the conference
- The Hexagon Dilemma, a national discussion and rights summit that addresses copyright contracts from all industry perspectives.
The Tracks
Thur. Aug. 11: Issues & Answers Tech & Gear Business PR & Markeing Rights Summit
Sat. Aug. 13: New Media Photography Videography Business & Marketing
Full Session Schedule
Thursday, Aug. 11
Issues & Answers
Tech & Gear Track
Outdoor Photo Studio (A.M. ONLY) – Review all the gear and gadgets you need to capture outdoor images and become or remain a player in today’s visual media marketplace.
content providers bUSINESS TRACK
Multimedia Content Bundle (A.M. ONLY) – Communicators today are no longer writers, photographers, videographers or broadcasters. Money making journalists know how to pull it all together — into a wide range of content sales opportunities. Join us as some leading journalists and editors walk us through the fascinating and creative ways they leveraged print, online, video, mobile, social media and even interactive games to tell a single story across multiple touch points.
Marketing and Selling Your Multimedia Content Bundle (P.M. ONLY) — Generating content is one thing, making money is another. This session is all about marketing, marketing, marketing. Without a marketing plan, content is worthless.
Make Money in a New & Growing Marketplace (A.M. ONLY) – Join a panel of experts from the NRA, NSSF, firearms manufacturers and the media and learn how to follow advertising dollar and increase income by learning about and communicating to the self-defense and tactical markets.
Source Network (A.M. ONLY) –
Instant information, the challenge new media has placed on the desks of content buyers and providers. Getting and staying in front of trends, stories and news is more critical today than ever before. Learn how to build your source network to meet the challenges of the Internet Age.
Make Money in a New World (P.M. ONLY) – Take a look at ways to make money in outdoor industry communications. This ain’t your daddy’s journalistic environment. Open your eyes to opportunities.
PR & Marketing Track
Digital Media ROI – In today’s economy, proving PR’s role in driving the bottom line for your organization is the surest route to obtaining buy-in from your C-suite and key stakeholders. Traditional measurement methods don’t translate to social media and digital PR, presenting a new challenge for executives looking to tie PR to business objectives. This session shows you how to define measurement objectives, use Web and search analytics, and how to measure engagement.
Reacting to Analytics – You’ve acquired data (analytics) on website traffic and online press release coverage. You know who’s reading what and what influencers are saying about you. Now what? How do you react to the data? What are the next steps. If you don’t know, this session is for you.
Cutting Through the Clutter: How to Identify and Engage the Right Influencers –Developing relationships with online influencers can be the key to getting your PR campaign noticed. But with a plethora of potential influencers – including customers, company critics, employees, traditional and digital media – how do you identify the right ones to champion your cause? In this session you’ll learn tactics to identify key influencers, how to build relationships with them and how to leverage those relationships to advance word of mouth and viral PR.
Afternoon – All-Attendees Session
The Hexagon Dilemma – A national discussion on creative rights issues and all-rights contracts culminates at this Right Summit. This summit combines brainstorming sessions for different media, executive and legal segments followed by a panel discussion of thoughts about and suggestions for equitable rights contracts.
Saturday, Aug. 13
New Media Track
Developing Content for E-Readers – The world of e-readers has skyrocketed, but they’re not just all about books already published. Learn how to generate content for e-readers, format the content for e-readers and sell the content to e-reader owners.
E-books – Are you missing the boat. E-books are the least expensive way to publish and make money. Use your archives to make some dough and learn how to pull together, publish and sell e-books. Generate a new income stream.
Leveraging Video for PR & Marketing – Every business can benefit from online video PR and marketing. Yet, this tool remains the least utilized marketer’s asset. Learn how to use video clips, YouTube and website video to drive traffic, business and build readers.
Photography Track
Photoshop from an Editors Perspective – Part 1 & 2 – Morning: What photographers do wrong in Photoshop before submitting images to editors. Afternoon: Hands-on Photoshop. Actions and tasks every photographer should know.
Photo Finish – A look at how Lightroom might fit into your photography business. Lightroom software helps you bring out the best in your photographs, whether you’re perfecting one image, searching for ten, processing hundreds or organizing thousands.
Change Perspective for Better Photographs – Perspective is far more than moving around the subject being photographed. After this session, you’ll have an entirely new view of how to shoot images that buyers can’t wait to get their hands on.
Video Track 
Seat on the Train – The video train is racing along the Internet track, and more and more buyers are looking for video. This session is the freelancers guide to making money in video. In this session we’ll discuss means of properly formatting video, partnering and hypersyndication, and other methods of monetizing Web content.
Techniques to Improve Any TV/Video Show – Learn techniques from an Emmy Award winner that will set your broadcast apart, launch it to a new level of professionalism and engage more viewers and advertisers. Audio, camera angles, getting the right B-roll, frame composition, and edit techniques will be major components of this power session. This session is a great slice of “WOW!”
Hands-on Videography Session – Correct the most common outdoor videography mistakes. Don’t overlook the obvious. This session will give you an overview of best practices for outdoor videography and a formula for bringing home the bacon every time. Topics include: understanding white balance, manual settings, getting the best image in low light, working with field audio, tools that help avoid field issues, and much more.
Business & Marketing Track
Home Page SEO – SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about getting to the top of Google’s free listings. Many businesses today live and die based on their rank on inbound Google searches. In this fast-paced, hands-on session, Jason McDonald will help you learn the power of your home page for SEO. Learn what the TITLE tag is and how to leverage it for SEO. Get free keyword tools that poll your customers and identify the highest volume, and highest value, search queries for you to target. Every word on your home page is worth its weight in gold; learn how to use proper HTML tags to ‘sculpt’ your home page into a powerful SEO beacon for Google. Even better, learn how to leverage your home page to focus attention on your website’s landing pages, and how to use blogs and new content to keep Google coming back (frequently) for more. Your home page is the ACE in your SEO deck. Attend this session and learn how to use it.
News You Can Use: Using News to Create Google Buzz – The 24/7 news cycle has hit Google. Google rewards sites with frequent updates, and no updates are better than formal news releases. In the olden days of the wild West (circa 1999), news releases were sent off to real-world editors to be reviewed and hopefully incorporated into articles. But today, in addition to the real-world news process, a new news system has emerged. SEO- and Social Media-friendly news releases, hosted on your own site, intertwined with your home page, and syndicated (for free) across blogs, Twitter, portals, forums and other Internet sites. CEO’s, marketing managers, and PR experts should attend this session to learn news you can use: how to create SEO-friendly news releases, and syndicate those news releases (for free) on the Internet and social media websites like Twitter and blogs, for free.
Do You Have an App(etite) for Business? As self-publishing is to paper/magazine publishing, mobile apps are to commercial software. An entirely new business opportunity for companies, of all sizes, to offer services and digital products has emerged through App platforms for mobile devices, including smart phones and tablet computers (iPad, Xoom, etc.). This session will cover a spectrum of topics from entry level basics of what an “app” is to creative ideas on how to explore this new business opportunity.
This session is for all creative specialties of all technical skill levels. The objective of this session is to educate you about the App space and challenge you to think creatively about how to employ this emerging opportunity to further your business endeavors. A new playing field has emerged giving both individuals and companies the same footing and opportunity. Are you ready?