The POMA Pinnacle Awards honor excellence in communications related to the traditional outdoor sports of hunting, fishing, shooting, trapping and the traditional outdoor sports industry.

Acceptable areas of coverage include, but are not limited to: how to, where to, travel, profiles, business, conservation, natural history, heritage, equipment, issues and news.

Award categories are:

  1. Newspaper/Internet Article
  2. Magazine Article
  3. Book (including E-books)
  4. Broadcasting (audio and/or video)
  5. Art/Photography (painting, illustration, photography and graphics)
  6. **Wildlife Conservation and Management (work in any medium is acceptable, but wildlife conservation and management must be the primary subject.)

In categories 1-5, the traditional outdoor sports must be the focus.

Contestants are allowed two entries per category for a maximum of 12. Entries in excess of two per category per contestant will be disqualified. You do not need to remove your name from submissions.

Multi-part submissions cannot be counted as one entry. Two-part articles/broadcasts, etc. must be submitted as two separate entries.

POMA Media Members in good standing may enter. If an individual media member who is employed by a current Corporate Partner enters, the individual is recognized, not the company.

Submissions previously entered are not eligible.

All submissions require works to have been published (publication date), broadcast (aired date) or exhibited for payment between Nov. 1, 2019 and Oct. 31, 2020.

Each category is scored by judges who are professionals in their and/or the outdoor industry.

Book entries (excluding ebooks) must be delivered by mail. Three copies are required. These can be sent directly from the publisher to POMA, if desired. Please see mailing instructions below. Member may submit entry form via email and indicate that the book is being sent. Books must arrive before the final deadline.

Ebooks must be in PDF format. A gift copy may be sent to so judges can see final formatting.

Electronic submissions for all other categories are strongly encouraged, for ease of entry and judging. It will also provide verification that submissions are received.

Electronic entries can be submitted via email as PDF attachments, by providing a link to the online article, broadcast, image, etc., or by uploading online.

  • Emailed and uploaded PDF entries must contain a copy of the published original and the required information from the entry form—as a Word or PDF attachment or in the body of the email.
    • Emailed submissions that provide a link to online content should contain the required entry form information, with the link included in the email.
      • Member Name
      • Category
      • Date Published/Broadcast
      • Where Published/Broadcast
      • and Submission Title (include link after submission title)
    • Each submission must have an entry form. Click for Downloadable Pinnacle Entry Form

Online upload instructions can be found at:

Mailed Entries: Each individual entry should be sent in a separate envelope, though multiple entry envelopes may be sent in a single package. Each individual entry should consist of an entry form, the published original or copy of same, plus two additional copies – three copies total. Art, images and artwork should be on letter-sized paper. Each copy of multi-page entries must be stapled. 

A minimum of five entries (combined from all eligible contestants) must be received in a category for an honoree to be selected (with the exception of Books at POMA’s discretion).

¨ Submissions are not returned.

¨ Receipt cannot be confirmed.

¨ Please send with delivery confirmation (i.e. USPS, UPS).

¨ Request delivery receipt (if submitting via email) for proof of delivery. *Multiple submissions may only receive one email acknowledgment.

¨ If uploading submissions via Dropbox, enter your email address to receive confirmation of upload. This is the most reliable way to ensure submissions are received.

By entering the Pinnacle Awards, winners give permission to reprint works in POMA Briefs and/or other POMA publications.

Free Submission Deadline

Postmarked/Submitted by midnight Eastern March 15, 2021

Final Deadline, $5 per entry

Postmarked/Submitted by midnight Eastern April 15, 2021

Click to pay the $5 per entry late fee after March 15, 2021

Mail entries to:

POMA Pinnacle Awards
c/o POMA—Shelly Moore
1853 Frankstown Rd.
Johnstown, PA 15902

Email and PDF entries should be submitted to: