POMA continues its tradition of relevant and business-building sessions at the 11th annual business conference, in Kalispell, Montana.

POMA continues its tradition of relevant and business-building sessions at the 11th annual business conference, in Kalispell, Montana. From conservation to finding our voice and defining our message to the tools you need to build and maintain a successful business, there’s something for everyone.

Join your fellow members, both Corporate Partners and content providers, and make vital connections while building your skills.


Staying Relevant & Selling Yourself

An Attitude for Access: Disability 101 Corporate Connection
Finding Our Voice Defining Our Message Viral Chaos – Surviving a Social Media Crisis

Utilizing a CVB for Your Next Event

Future of Public Lands Hunting & Conservation The Hunt: Target, Track & Attain Your Goals
Preserving Firearm History There’s Gold in that Holster! Maximize Your Content
Navigating Public Lands Permits Presentation by Congressman Ryan Zinke

OmniContent for Corporate Partners

OmniContent for Media Members Using Maps to Navigate  


Staying Relevant and Selling Yourself – Ryan Gresham

An Attitude for ACCESS: disability 101 – Ashlee Lundvall

There are over 50 million people living with a disability in the U.S. today. Do you know how to write for them? How to interview them? What language to use? Ashlee Lundvall, Mossy Oak National Pro Staffer, shares disability awareness, appreciation, and education that will inform and enlighten. From proper etiquette to adaptive equipment, Ashlee will be a knowledgeable resource passionately striving to bridge the gap between the outdoor industry and the disability community.

Corporate Connection – Fredy Riehl

The Corporate Connection roundtable is a beginner’s guide to connecting with Corporate Partners. We will have a casual discussion of how you connect with Corporate Partners, how you find the right people to connect with and what you can expect from these relationships and what partners expect in return.


Why You should connect.

Who are the right people and how do you find them? Quick rundown of useful tools and corporate titles.

First contact. Best practices.

What to expect. What they expect. Best Practices.

Follow up and reporting.

Drink Beer, uhh I mean Wrap Up.

Finding Our Voice – Shane Mahoney, Brian Lynn, Dr. James Swan, Kevin Reid, Jason Roussos


Defining Our Message Brainstorming – Panel

Viral Chaos – Surviving a Social Media Crisis – Hannah Stonehouse Hudson

As a photographer and TEDx speaker who has been through numerous viral moments both personal and professional, Hannah Stonehouse Hudson is uniquely suited to help people navigate viral chaos.  Join Hannah for a seminar to help you create a plan to have in place before a viral event or emergency happens.  How will you communicate with family members, clients, and volunteers?  Who will be the point person for correct information and media inquiries?  Various scenarios will be presented – and worksheets and templates will be provided for use to formulate your own unique plan.

Utilizing a CVB for your Next event – Dawn Jackson

Many organization and event planners look to CVB’s to assist with the planning of their event. Learn what a CVB is and how you can take advantage of their expertise, resources and specialized knowledge of your meeting destination. They can help with everything from the planning stages of selecting a location to attendance building and engaging with your group during the conference.

Future of Public Lands Hunting & Conservation – Tony Bynum, Ron Spomer, Randy Newberg, Ryan Busse, Shane Mahoney                    

70% of western hunters hunt on public lands. Almost anyone that’s chased elk or mule deer out west has done so on public lands. Today, there are opposing views and interests about the future of public lands. From selling them off completely to transferring some or all to the states. The common thread for outdoorsmen and women is that we all use these lands. No matter what your views, the US public land legacy has helped define us as individuals, businesses and as a country. Panel members will present a short explanation of their relationship with hunting and or fishing on public lands. Issues may include habitat, ownership, and land use and the how future of public land management could impact our industry. Who should attend? Any writer, producer, or videographer who uses or intends to use public lands.

The Hunt: Target, Track & Attain Your Goals – David Farbman

David uses the skills learned through a lifetime of hunting to track down targets in the fields, business and life. His book, The Hunt: Target, Track and Attain Your Goals, is a field guide for anyone looking to increase the success of their hunt. David knows there is more than one way or strategy to accomplish goals; the path is as personal as the objective.

Preserving Firearm History – Ashley Hlebinsky

Not Just Your Grandad’s Western Museum: A Look into the Tactical World of the Cody Firearms Museum: As the Robert W. Woodruff Curator, Ashley Hlebinsky gives a glimpse into the future at the Cody Firearms Museum. The museum is planning on rebuilding in the next five years and will exhibit 20th century collections that have been hidden away in the vaults. She will also discuss the formulation of the museum thanks to the Winchester Arms Collection.

There’s Gold in that Holster! – Tom Gresham

There is an enormous market for information about shooting, as opposed to hunting, and it is due to the tremendous growth in the self-defense market. There are 15 million hunters, but there are 100 million gun owners. Fully a third of the people buying handguns are first-time gun buyers, and a third of them are women. These new gun buyers, and the people getting concealed handgun permits, are hungry for information. Tom Gresham gives you a look into the self-defense market, the biggest growth area in firearms.

Maximize Your Content: creating content that works for you – Tim Noland and Lacy Harrison

Content Marketing has been around for some time now but is growing in popularity due to the success companies are enjoying. The new generation of consumer is turning to the web to research brands and products before making a purchase. Building written and visual content that educates, entertains, motivates and inspires will drive website traffic, build credibility and grow sales. Content Marketing opens many doors of opportunity for POMA members. In this session, you’ll learn to:

  • Maximize the content you produce on a daily basis by writing for Google for SEO.
  • Get yourself and your brand more exposure, more work, and more money.
  • Understand new business opportunities available by freelancing for Content Marketing programs.

Navigating Public Lands Permits – Do I Need a PERmit? – Tony Bynum, Cecil Werven, mark Norbey, Sara Leonard, Brandon Smith     

If you’re filming a hunt, filming yourself, Instagraming, putting video and photographs online, or you’re considering a project on public lands, you better check to see if you need a permit. In most cases, you will. This session includes:

     ♦ Legislative update on the “film bill”
     ♦ Federal officials describe their programs
     ♦ Permittees describe their experiences with film permits
     ♦ Forest Service, BLM, Montana State Parks, National Park Service, Film and photography producers
     ♦ Questions and Answers

Who should attend?  Anyone who shoots still images and or videos on public lands.

presentation by Congressman Ryan Zinke

Congressman Zinke will speak to attendees as a passionate advocate of responsible stewardship and conservation, who recognizes the important role the outdoor media plays in those areas. He helped pass the SHARE act, which preserves hunting and fishing opportunities, and is currently working with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Montana Wildlife Federation, and other stakeholders to help pass the bipartisan SCORE Act which will fund conservation tools like “land for land” swaps. He strongly believes in making outdoor recreation opportunities available to future generations.

Omnicontent for Corporate Partners – Primer 180

You built your brand with care. It’s strong. It’s solid. It’s the foundation of everything your company is and will be.  You know your core audience and where they live, yet to grow, you must master new ways to reach them, and cultivating customers in new audiences never hurts either.

You need OmniContent.

With OmniContent, every message in every kind of media … traditional, digital, purchased, earned, owned … supports your brand and delivers positive, authentic content to the target audience. OmniContent is omnipotent.

Primer 180 specializes in guiding outdoor companies from good content to the OmniContent summit and then take the leap to previously unrealized effectiveness and ROI.

Primer 180 President Sarah Donnell, V.P. of Digital Strategy Nick Grzechowiak, and Executive Editor Bill Miller will share how OmniContent creation and delivery drives target audiences to take the actions you want.  They will demonstrate how to harness the total communications ecosystem to cultivate and motivate your unique consumer base.

Omnicontent for media members – Primer 180

POMA media members know the world has changed. Demand for content from traditional outlets is withering … in many cases nearly dead. Yet there’s still a demand for content. If you look in the right places, that demand is actually greater than it’s ever been.

The buzzword today is “content marketing.” Properly done, content marketing achieves the tipping point at which it becomes OmniContent. That means its delivery is optimized across the total communications ecosystem and the result is new heights of response and ROI. Yet the foundation for it all is solid, authentic content, and that’s where the opportunities are for today’s content creators, i.e. POMA members!

Primer 180 specializes in leading outdoor companies to this exciting summit and taking the leap into the rarified air of OmniContent. In this session Primer 180 President Sarah Donnell, V.P. Digital Strategy Nick Grzechowiak, and Executive Editor Bill Miller will share the concept of OmniContent and explain the profit opportunities for content creators and help you tailor your content to fit multiple communications platforms for your clients.

Using Maps to Navigate – Paige Darden

Navigation is more than just traveling between two points; it requires knowledge of the terrain and features along the planned route. Today’s seminar will teach you how to read maps, navigate, and use technology to help you have more success in all of your outdoor adventures. The seminar will cover: What can you learn from studying maps that will help you navigate but also help you determine best routes and strategies? What is map scale and why does it matter? What is the difference between lat/lon and UTM grids? How do I use printed maps in conjunction with GPS? How can you tell whether you are on private or public land? What is true north vs magnetic north?