2014 Board Election – Candidates & Statements
Prior to voting, please carefully review the candidate’s bios and responses to questions about board service.
The candidates are presented in alphabetical order by last name.
You will elect two of the four candidates to serve. Those elected will take the seats of outgoing board members, whom POMA is greatly indebted to, Kevin Tate and Doug Gilmer.
Prior to voting, please carefully review the candidate’s bios and responses to questions about board service.
The candidates are presented in alphabetical order by last name.
You will elect two of the four candidates to serve. Those elected will take the seats of outgoing board members, whom POMA is greatly indebted to, Kevin Tate and Doug Gilmer.
To vote, click the vote icon at the end of the candidate profiles (bottom of the page).
2015 POMA Boardof Directors CandidatesBios andResponses to Questions Related to Board Service
Andrew Chamberlain Freelance Writer and |
Ryan Gresham Television Host |
Andrew Chamberlain is known as a ballistics expert but prefers to be called a Ballistics Enthusiast. He has published three books with several others in the works. He has written many articles for hunting magazines, blogs and other media outlets. He has also researched, developed and published nine unique posters of life-sized cartridge images each featuring a unique cartridge category. The ignition that launched him into the outdoor writing arena is three fold: First was an extreme frustration with the folklore, myth, and media frenzies that blur and distort fact from fiction in many aspects of the hunting and shooting world. Second was the disparity in facts; regarding comparative cartridge potency and relative performance in ammunition. Third was the mass confusion, and in some cases outright mistruths, about bullet (projectile) performance and bullet capabilities. Before becoming an Author and Ballistician, Andrew worked professionally as a Civil Engineer and Project Manager in multiple fields. As an Author, Andrew Chamberlain draws from his somewhat unique, but extremely relatable background to formulate and temper his writing style. He grew up in a small town, working the land and taking care of animals. Hunting, fishing, camping, and High School sports were as normal as one could expect. On a personal note, Andrew Chamberlain has realized four of his biggest dreams within the last few years. He has been to Africa where he hunted and killed both an Eland and a Lion (there are still several African animals on his list). He has lived in and hunted Alaska. He married his sweetheart and is now a new father of two beautiful children. Overall, Andrew Chamberlain loves truth, freedom, free agency and accountability as well as all things associated with the Second Amendment and the ability to hunt and feed one’s self and family. He works to preserve and bring these things to light in his daily and professional efforts. Responses to Questions1) What business skills do you bring to the table that you believe will help POMA achieve its goals to help members grow their businesses and grow the organization? My business skills center on building project teams and finding solutions to business needs from position of project management analysis. I have acquired this skill set through my work as a project manager, a construction manager, and as an Army Corp of Engineers health facilities planning representative. The daily functions include problem analysis, project description and scope development, communication planning, resource identification and allocation, project management planning, schedule management, risk analysis, cost benefit analysis, end user and stake holder communication planning, and end of project summary reporting which includes customer satisfaction surveying and quality surveying. These skills can be used to benefit an individual, a business group, or organization to identify business opportunities and how to capitalize on them or how to identify risks or short comings within their current organization. This also helps to cleanly identify insufficiencies and how to identify proper solutions. This will help streamline business practice, increase efficiencies, bolster productive communication, and help create a more synergistic business approach with the individuals and the organization. 2) Reviewing POMA’s current services/benefits and committees, in what areas do you feel you can contribute the most to POMA and why? In viewing the existing services/benefits and committees of POMA, one contribution I would make is to organize POMA’s members (who are willing and demonstrate professional competence) into an organized resource packages that could provide temporary or long term consulting, professional resources and communication support to companies within the industry. Not only would this provide additional income opportunities for POMA members, but this would encourage POMA and its members to grow in many directions and venues. It would also establish and strengthen relationship within the industry. This would dramatically build value in membership as well as catapult POMA forward as a leader in the industry not only as an organization with high performing individuals, but as a full and complete resource pool available to anyone in the outdoor industry that needs short or long term support in producing any form of an outdoor communication product. 3) What do you consider POMA’s most valuable services and benefits and why? POMAs membership itself is what I consider to be one of the most valuable benefits: As an outdoor content provider the ability for me to introduce myself to someone in the industry as a POMA member immediately legitimizes me as an ethical high performing professional. And therefore creates an increased sense of trust and confidence that I am competent and can provide benefit to the industry professional with which I am corresponding. Also, the professional networking that POMA is able to produce at our annual meeting as well as industry conventions such as SHOT show, NRA Annual meeting, and others provides personal interaction with leaders and business owners within the industry. I would seek to enhance and broaden these wonderful provisions of POMA membership. 4) Why are you running for the board of directors? Several senior POMA members that I hold in high regard encouraged me to run for the board of directors. They felt that I offered some unique skills and competencies that would benefit the POMA organization and its membership. I also believe that I can support and bolster existing leadership as well as introduce some unique ideas, drive, and skillsets that will benefit POMA organizationally and individually. |
Ryan Gresham grew up shooting, hunting and fishing in a family known in the outdoors industry. His father, Tom Gresham and grandfather, Grits Gresham taught Ryan the right way to shoot, hunt and fish and the right way to treat others as well. Ryan attended Louisiana State University and graduated with a degree in Mass Communications with an emphasis in Electronic Media. Ryan has worked in radio, print, cable television and broadcast television in such roles as on-air talent, commercial production, and advertising sales. For the past seven years, Ryan has worked with Gun Talk Media running the sales and marketing, working with companies to promote their brands and products and help grow their businesses, as well as on camera for Gun Talk’s TV shows and online videos. He helped develop new shows. This wide experience has given him important insights into the creative as well as the business side of the outdoor industry. In the seven years Ryan has worked with Gun Talk Media, audience and revenue has experienced significant growth. Ryan has lived in Alaska and Arizona, but most of his time has been in Louisiana. In his spare time, which is few and far between with a family with two young daughters, he enjoys hunting, shooting, boating, and fishing. He also has played in several bands over the years singing and playing drums. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS1) What business skills do you bring to the table that you believe will help POMA achieve its goals to help members grow their businesses and grow the organization? I have a variety of experience that would be helpful to POMA. I work with most of the major companies in the gun industry as the VP of Sales and Marketing for Gun Talk and can offer thoughts and ideas on how to better monetize member products. I also understand the needs of POMA’s corporate partners who are so important to the success and longevity of POMA. 2) Reviewing POMA’s current services/benefits and committees, in what areas do you feel you can contribute the most to POMA and why? Creating value for both Corporate Partners and members to keep both involved in POMA and attending the conference. 3) What do you consider POMA’s most valuable services and benefits and why? The most valuable services and benefits POMA can provide are business opportunities and resources for members to help them succeed in their careers and financially. 4) Why are you running for the board of directors? To help POMA serve its members and Corporate Partners. |
Kevin Paulson HuntingLife.com Founder and CEO
Fredy Riehl Editor, AmmoLand Shooting Sports News |
Kevin Paulson is the founder and CEO ofHuntingLife.com. He has spent the
last 15 years volunteering for conservation organizations, took on a part ownership in a Montana and Idaho outfitting operation and started
HuntingLife.com. Kevin has won a Hero of Conservation monthly award from Field and Stream and continues to pursue his passions for hunting and conservation. Kevin is a lifetime Member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Mule Deer Foundation. Responses to Questions1) What business skills do you bring to the table that you believe will help POMA achieve its goals to help members grow their businesses and grow the organization? I have the spent the better part of 22 years either managing or running a business handling all aspects of running that business from profit & loss management, human resource management, purchasing, marketing, sales, training and motivating. I have managed teams and projects from a high of 65 employees to small teams of two or three. My primary focus is on sales and marketing and helping companies use technology to grow. I believe in the value of the POMA organization. I believe that with the right marketing and partnerships we can increase our membership dramatically, providing more value for our members and for our Corporate Partners. 2) Reviewing POMA’s current services/benefits and committees, in what areas do you feel you can contribute the most to POMA and why? I believe that the area where I can contribute the most value for our organization is in the marketing with our membership committee and in the marketing for our yearly convention. Increased membership gives our organization strength in numbers and strength in numbers provides better yearly convention turnout and a better experience for our members and our corporate members. 3) What do you consider POMA’s most valuable services and benefits and why? I feel the most valuable service and benefit of POMA membership is our pride of membership and the networking opportunities within the organization. I am proud to be a member of this organization. When I talk with other members and corporate members, I find that we all share this enthusiasm for the organization. The most valuable benefit for POMA members is in the networking we do among ourselves and with our Corporate Partners to grow together as a family. 4) Why are you running for the board of directors? I am running for the boards of directors because I believe I can contribute my skill set to help this organization grow and prosper. I believe in the value of the organization and I see the possibilities we have in front of us. I aim to double the size of POMA and become an influential partner in the growth of the outdoor industry. |
Fredy is 27 year veteran of corporate communications, public and media relations, as well as successful digital publisher. He’s the Founder and Editor In Chief of AmmoLand Shooting Sports News. NRA Life Member, Ring Of Freedom Member, Advocate & Adviser for NRA Board members. As well as recipient or the Second Amendment Foundation’s 2012 “Defender Of Liberty Award“. Not to mention, a rabid promoter of all positive pro gun news and pain in the ass of “anti’s” everywhere.
RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS1) What business skills do you bring to the table that you believe will help POMA achieve its goals to help members grow their businesses and grow the organization? I have proven skills in online marketing and fundraising. 2) Reviewing POMA’s current services/benefits and committees, in what areas do you feel you can contribute the most to POMA and why? I would be most interested in helping to expand the POMA<25 – Young Professionals And College Students service section. 3) What do you consider POMA’s most valuable services and benefits and why? To this day, the most valuable aspect of POMA has been the ability to network with quality individuals and the friendships that come from those connections. 4) Why are you running for the board of directors? I have countless stories I can relate of POMA members who have personally help me when I had questions or needed support in making my business successful. Their contributions, guidance and caring has been invaluable. I would like the opportunity to pay that same caring forward. Which is why I am seeking your approval as a new appointment to POMA’s board. I hope that I can help return that same support and guidance to current members as well new and future members. I hope my small contribution will help steer the Professional Outdoor Media Association on to even greater success in the future.
Voting Opens December 22, 2014 and Closes January 9, 2015 |