2010 Conference – Business Tracks
Download Business Track time Schedule
Download Business Track time Schedule
Thurs., Aug, 12, 2010
New Media for Communicators Track (a.m. & p.m.)
- Social Media for Journalists (Paul Gillin)
- WordPress and the Art of the Blog – promoting your work, developing new business and speaking your mind (Caledon Virtual)
- Digital Marketing — A New World for Journalists &
Marketers (Time Carroll & Bill Miller)
New Media for Business, CP Track (a.m. only)
- Digital Marketing – Everything Has Changed
Marketing & PR Reps You Better Too (Tim Carroll)
- Using Social Media to Tell Your Story (Paul Gillin)
- One-on-One With Paul — Social Media Q & A Round Table (Paul Gillin)
Freelance Business Track (a.m. & p.m.)
The purpose of a business is to generate net profits, and Business Planning is all about making sure your business is producing the net profits it SHOULD be producing. So why is it that most business owners manage everything except there profits? Learn simple and proven planning techniques to take control and double your profits.
- Developing a Business Plan – Learn to create a high level business plan, and start planning for profits from the big picture point of view. We’ll look at business entities & legal considerations, you’ll learn to define and calculate your business M.A.P. (Maximum Attainable Profit), choosing the right business strategy, and effective pricing considerations. (Dan Hoffman)
- Turn the Biz Plan Into a Profit-Boosting Tool – Learn to take your high level business plan and turn it into a finely tuned profit-boosting tool you’ll use every week in your business to literally control your results. (Dan Hoffman)
- Tax Strategies for Small Businesses – Keep as much of your profits, in your own bank account, as is legally allowed. (Dan Hoffman)
- Shooting Video – This 50-minute power session is filled with everything you need to know about shooting great video. Filled with professional tips and tricks, Douglas guides the audience through best practices for common production scenarios, including: shot composition, image stabilization, using tripods and other mounts, capturing audio, fast action
subjects, challenging lighting, and more. The session is geared toward all levels of production, from handheld to broadcast level camcorders, including content destined for DVD, broadcast, and online delivery. (Douglas Spotted Eagle)
- Editing Video – This session is focused on editing work flow and post-production techniques applicable to common video editing software applications. Starting with capture/transfer options and media management tools, we’ll also discuss the most efficient methods for cutting, trimming, and preparing media for editing. Learn to use edits, titles, fades, audio, and more to increase the production value of any project. (Douglas Spotted Eagle)
- Streaming Video – Best techniques for streaming video and options for hosting video online. Learn the best practices for creating and encoding video destined for the web. We’ll also discuss how and where to host your online videos and how to reach the most viewers. The second part of this session will focus on online delivery for profit, including pay-per-view, subscription and membership, and ad-generated revenue. (Douglas Spotted Eagle)
- What’s Available to You in the Outdoor Media – Video/Television (Tom Opre and Michelle Scheuermann); Print/Media/Internet; Pr/Corp (Kevin Howard); Government/Organization (Brandon Butler)
- Getting a Foot in the Door (Tony Smotherman)
- Moving Up the Ladder or Successfully Changing Jobs – Q & A with a panel of veteran journalists and business executives.
Fri., Aug, 13, 2010
Photography Track (Hands-on, Outdoor) (a.m. & p.m.)
- Lighting Outdoor Images (Bill Konway and Tim Flanigan)
- Shooting Set Ups (Tim Flanigan and Bill Konway)
- Digital Camera Tips (Bill Konway and Tim Flanigan)
Money Makers — Not Hands On (a.m. & p.m.)
- SEO Effective Edit – SEO Effective Edit – Write the website copy that gets you found and helps your website work for you. Find the phrases that help Google find you, all while remaining grammatically correct and coherent for your readers. (Blake Discher)
- Making Money with Webinars (Tom Miale) – A step by step view of how you can use Webinars to make more money immediately.
- 21st Century Tasks Business Tasks We All Need to Know How to Complete. Members test solutions to common problems and report on what they’ve found. (Tammy Sapp, Carrie Wilson, John Zent, David Drew, Michelle Scheuermann, Vicky Jefferson, Bob Humphrey, Vickie Gardner). Subjects: Large file transfer, measuring Web traffic, photo management (for non-professionals), backing up files/computer, managing several social network accounts, conference call and online meetings, password management, receipt/business card/contact list management, project/document management, creative submission management.
Communicators’ Marketing Track (a.m. & p.m.)
- Psychology of Success – Get Past the Fear. Developing the mindset to succeed. (Dr. Rachna Jain)
- Direct Marketing for Freelancers – An action plan for increasing the bottom line.(Susan Davis)
- Your Competitive Edge – What is it and how to use it. (Susan Davis)
- Increase Your Customer Base with Webinars (Tom Miale)
- Landing Pages (Discher) — Unable to optimize your site because of Flash content? This session can help you make your website work for you with the professional tips and tactics that make all the difference.
- Negotiating (Discher) – Learn the basic principles of negotiation that will make a difference in how you do business. This session takes the standard principles of interpersonal communication and applies them to an effective skill set designed to get you where you need to go.
Proposed Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOLT) Round Table Topics
- MoonToast – How to market all your services online
- POMA’s New Website – Use it to your advantage
- POMA Stock Gallery – Become a stock photographer
- FaceBook Business Builders – Hands-on help
- Mass Communications – Standing out in the e-mail world, when you’re one in a million
- Content Management Systems – Are they the answer to your website woes?
- Video Editing 101 – A look at one basic program
- Posting/Streaming Video – Get your video clips online
- Photoshop/Bridge – 15 tips in 50 Minutes
- Social Media from Handheld Devices – Twitter, FaceBook, Linked In – update from your cell/smart phone